Suburban Rail / Urban Rail on PPP model : Indian Railway


Sanjeev - 21 November, 2014 | Bangalore | Action | Commuter rail | Commuter rail | Suburban Rail | urban rail

With Cash starved ( suppose to be ) Indian Railway, looking at funding and operations of Suburban Rail under PPP :

Policies are getting fine tuned  for Urban Rail  Transport  during recent times :

Let us see how both State Govt like karnataka  which does not want Suburban Rail  to happen and Central Govt move on this with PPP  players yet to interest in Urabn Rail  :    Suburban Rail / Commuter Rail


1.  Policy Provate Investment in Rail Infrastructure through Domestic and FDI   Dated 27.08.2014 Press Note 8 ( 2014 series )

Allows Suburban Rail Corridor Project through PPP of Construction, Operations and Maintenance


2.  Guidlines for Provision of Passenger Amenities  at railway stations through Individuals, NGOs, Trusts, CHaritable Institutions ,   Corporates    Dt : 26.09.2014

Finally  Minisitry of Railways issued guidlines on how Stations infrastructure can be upgraded by contributions :


North Eastern Railway already put public notice on this including officer responsible and their contact details


3. Public Private Partnership in Urban Rail System  2014  released   21.10.2014  :  Manual Specifications and  Standards by  Ministry of railways

Very Comprensive details and Finally Ministrry of Railway wake up on Urban Rail System


4.    Sectoral guidlines for Domestic / Foreign Direct Investment in Railways  Dt : 10.11.2014

        1.  Suburban rail Corridors projects through PPP  100% investment permissible  Annexure - I  Page 3

         2.  Following Suburban Rail Corridor project identified  for PPP  Annexure - II Page 11

              Corridor :     CSTM ( VT Terminal Mumbai ) to Panvel  

              Distance  :  49 Kms 

              Cost          : Rs 14000 Crore, 

               Probable mode of Execution : DBFOT    and   VGF to   be provided


5.   Ernst &  Young LLP  presented  on 5th Nov regarding Urban rail funding thru PPP :

This needs strong PPP framework  to enable Urban rail Funding




With last Five years,  GOK progressing on snail speed expecting other will do their work on Bangalore Suburban Rail inspite of having  Three Railway Minister from Bangalore / Karnataka,   not even single meeting organsied between  Railway  Minister and CM of Karnataka.

Now CSTM ( VT of Mumbai ) to Panvel getting suburban rail corridor thru PPP mode with investment of  Rs 14,000 Crore.

GOK  and SWR have no intention to provide good Suburban Rail in Bangalore looking back for the past 6 years development.

GOK could not get time or forgotten to  write reminder  letter to Railway Board after 27.10.2013  letter from Chief Sec to Railway Board.    So till now Railway Board has no courtesy to reply to GOK letter even after one year lapsed.

Both GOK and Indian Railway might have decided  Let us see how people of Bangalore can enjoy the Suburban Rail when ourslves have decided not happen ???

Thats reason,  we have one  more Comittee on Decongesting Bangalore Traffic under PWD Minister who does not know  about Bangalore Suburban Rail.

Same time Ministry of Railway  could not find time to sit with GOK and discuss the further plan of action,  but wants to do their own study on Suburban Rail Bangalore.

This is best case stuidy how

1.  GOK offficials ensuring project does not come thru, 

2. Railway Officials keep proud of their inefficient Railway Infrastructure in Bangalore, 

3. Elected Representative from Bangalore who do not have say in Railways keep promising to get Fullfledge Suburban Rail for Bangalore for THREE DECADEs. 

4.  When Metro Ph-2  approval came in Three years with project cost of Rs 26,000 Crore,  Bangalore Suburban  Rail  stil does not how to  please these people to get the approval.

Recently 2012-13,  Ministry of  Railway had approved extending capacity to 12 coach Suburban Rail in Mumbai fro 9 at the cost of  Rs 714 Crore

Now sae corridor has been selected for PPP but Bangalore does not figure  in any approval,  will CM of GOK and  MPs / MLAs are answerable for this ???

There is no intention of part

amithpallavoor - 25 November, 2014 - 16:12

There is no intention on the part of the state or central government to go ahead with CRS for Bangalore.

Electronics City Association demands local trains between Electronic City to

Electronics City Association demands local trains between Electronic City to Heelalige

Good to see corporates coming forward on taking up railway stations development and last 10 yrs South Western Railway slept  on not doing doubling of Baiyyappaahhali - Heelalige - Hosur Railway line  and now aking stateent of congested does not  show any professionalisam.

Let the first create crossing station at Belandur which will help Railways to run  more trains. This is where Industry bodies need to take up strongly with Raiwlay Minister

Sanjeev, could you let me

amithpallavoor - 2 December, 2014 - 12:59

There is a station at Bellandur currently right?


Not the crossing station you are talking about




We need similar action fom

amithpallavoor - 2 December, 2014 - 13:01

We need similar action fom Kumbalgodu, ITPL, Bidai, Dodabballapur, Kolar, Nelamangala and Tumkur companies.

Typical response from SWR. I

amithpallavoor - 2 December, 2014 - 13:02

Typical response from SWR. I wish the new railway minister pulls them up.


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