BWSSB Data collection form


shekhar_mittal - 15 April, 2010

The data that we will ask from BWSSB on a regular basis. I think this is too much in detail, we will have to shorten up a bit. But it is a very nice starting point. So lets get the ball rolling.

Resource: 2007 Benchmarking and Data book of water utilities in India by Asian Development Bank

1.1    Address:
1.2     Telephone Number(s):
1.3     Fax Number(s):
1.4     E-mail address:
1.5     Head of the Water Utility:    Name : ____________________________
                                                       Title : ____________________________
1.6     Is there Private Sector Involvement in the BWSSB?      ___ Yes        ___ No
1.7     If Yes, in what aspect(s)?    ___   Source Development         ___ Production
                                                    ___   Distribution                      ___ Management
                                                    ___   Billing & Collection            ___ Leak Repair
                                                    ___   Other (Please specify) ___________________

1.8    Type of private sector involvement:
                                           ___ Service contract        ___ Mangement contract
                                           ___ Lease contract          ___ Concession contract
                                           ___ BOT, BOOT contract      ___ Full private ownership

1.9    Latest annual report available     ___ none         ______ (indicate year if available)

1.10    Is the annual report available to the general public? ___ Yes          ___ No

1.11   How much of each of the following aspects of the BWSSB's operations is automated?

           ___ Billing     ___ Accounting        ___ Pumping        ___ Treatment
       ___ Others ________________________

1.12   Top three (3) priority needs of the BWSSB: 1. ________________________________________
               (As seen by management)                  2. _________________________________________
                                                                         3. _________________________________________


2.1    At what level are service indicators tracked?  Ward ____     Zone/Valley ______   Other (please mention) ______
2.2    Number of wards/zones served by utility _______
2.3    Names of wards/zones served ________________________________________
2.4    Size of BWSSB's area of responsibility ________ sq. km.
2.5    Size of BWSSB's present service area ________ sq. km.
2.6    Population of BWSSB's area of responsibility  (please mention for each ward/zone)  _________
2.7    Population of BWSSB's presently services (please mention for each ward/zone)  _________
2.8    For each ward and zone, please mention:

         a. Population served with house connections         _________
         b. Population served with public taps                 _________
         c. Population served by tankers                     _________
         d. Population served by hand pumps                  _________

2.9 For each ward/zone please mention how many borewells BWSSB keeps track of.


3.1     BWSSB is responsible for ___ Production      ___ Distribution    ___ Source Development

3.2     Sources of Water:                                       production volume (MLD)
             ___ Surface water                                      ___________________
             ___ Groundwater                                        ___________________
             ___ Other (please specify)                           _______________             ___________________
                                          Total production:         ___________________

3.3     Is total production all metered? (ex treatment plant)       ___Yes     ___ No
        If No, what proportion is metered? _____ %              How is unmetered volume estimated?

3.4     Do you buy bulk water for distribution?                       Raw Water       ___ Yes      ___ No
                                                                                         Treated Water ___ Yes        ___ No

3.5     Main methods of treatment used:
                                          ___ none                          ___ disinfection
                                          ___ filtration                    ___ sedimentation
                                          ___ aeration                      ___ desalination
                                          ___ other (please specify) ______________________

3.6    At which point(s) during production/distribution is the water treated?

3.7    Total production capacity:        _________
3.8     Storage capacity in network:      _________


4.1    Total BWSSB Connections per ward/zone            ___________

4.2     Coverage per ward/zone (percentage of households provided BWSSB conncection)  _______________

4.3    Number of House Connections (HC)    (per ward/zone)        ___________
         Average number of people per HC       (per ward/zone)      _______

4.4    Number of Public Taps (PT)        (per ward/zone)          ___________
         Average number of people per PT   (per ward/zone)          _______

4.5   Number of Commercial Connections    (per ward/zone)        ___________

4.6   Number of Industrial Connections    (per ward/zone)        ___________

4.7   Number of Institutional Connections   (per ward/zone)      ___________

4.8   Number of Bulk Connections      (per ward/zone)            ___________

4.9   Number of Bulk Connections (Others)    (per ward/zone)     ___________

4.10   Number of other Connections           (per ward/zone)      ___________
        (accounts served by tankers or handpumps)

4.11   Number of connections metered    (per ward/zone)           ___________
4.12 Total length of distribution network:      ________ km

4.13 Average age of distribution pipes:    (per ward/zone)     ________ years

5.0 Water Consumption (annual volume of water billed/sold <mention period>)

                                                  Metered      Estimated*           Total
5.1  Total for all HC                      ____________ ____________      ____________
5.2  Total for all PT/SP                  ____________ ____________      ____________
5.3  Total for all commercial use  ____________ ____________      ____________
5.4  Total for all industrial use     ____________ ____________      ____________
5.5  Total for all institutional use ____________ ____________      ____________
5.6  Total for all bulk use (apt)    ____________ ____________      ____________
5.7  Total for all bulk use (others) ____________ ____________      ____________
5.8  Total for all other use            ____________ ____________      ____________
5.9  Grand Total                          ____________ ____________      ____________
     * Estimated consumption refer to unmetered consumption (normally flat rate connections)


6.1  Number of connections with intermittent supply (per ward/zone):        ______ connections
6.2  Typical duration of supply:                  (per ward/zone)                         ______ hours/day
6.3  Average mains water pressure at consumer points  (per ward/zone):       ______ meters
6.4  Number of pipe breaks in the distribution network (per ward/zone)       ______
6.5  Number of meters replaced/repaired                (per ward/zone)            ______
6.6  Required number of samples for residual chlorine   (per ward/zone):      ______
6.7  Number of samples for residual chlorine test taken    (per ward/zone):    ______
6.8  Number of samples passing residual chlorine test    (per ward/zone):      ______


7.1  Number of staff (in full-time equivalent â FTE)
             a. Corporate services (management, admin., finance, technical, etc)          ___________
             b. Water supply operations (O&M, customer service, support services)         ___________
             c. Other non-water supply services (wastewater, sewerage, drainage)          ___________
                                                                                     Total number of staff:          ___________
7.2  Number of personnel in contracted out services: _____________
7.3  Proportion of operating budget spent for training and human resources development: _____ %
7.6  Average annual salary of the three highest paid full-time management personnel:
     Rs ________________________


8.1     Number of new connections installed in 2009-2010  (per ward/zone):       __________
8.2    Average waiting time for a new connection  (per ward/zone)        __________
8.3    Number of connections disconnected in 2009 -2010    (per ward/zone)          __________
8.4    Number of leaks reported/number of leaks repaired in 2009 -2010   (per ward/zone)            ______/______
8.5    Number of customer complaints recorded in 2009 -2010 (per ward/zone):              __________
8.6    Means of making complaints:           ___Letter          ___ Telephone       ___ In person
                                                                ___ E-mail         ___ SMS (txt msg) ___ Other _________

8.7    How much are the typical connection charges for new customers?
              Domestic                   Rs. ___________

8.8    How are new domestic connection charges paid?
             ___ all at the start         ___ over 12 months or less          ___ over more than 12 months

8.9    Does BWSSB have a policy for providing water supply to the urban poor/slums?
             ___Yes         ___ No            If Yes, briefly state the policy.
        What percentage of the population in the service comprise the urban poor? _______

        What percentage are provided BWSSB water? ______

8.10    Does the BWSSB carry out citizen satisfaction surveys?             _____ Yes       _____ No
        If yes, how often? ________________.                When was the last survey done? ____________

8.11    Does the BWSSB have a time frame for grievance redressal?               _____ Yes      _____ No
        If yes, what is the maximum time a grievance should be redressed? ____________________

         What is the average time for grievance redressal?


8.12 What are the three principal complaints made by citizens?


        2. _____________

        3. _____________

8.13    Does the BWSSB have community participation in its water supply services?
        _____ Yes _____ No               If yes, describe how it is done. _____________________________

8.14    Does the BWSSB have a RWA feedback mechanism in place? _____ Yes                       _____ No


9.1   Water billing/sales
        a. Total for all HC                          Rs. _______________

        b. Total for all PT/SP                       Rs. _______________

        c. Total for all commercial use              Rs. _______________

        d. Total for all industrial use              Rs. _______________

        e. Total for all institutional use           Rs. _______________

        f. Total for all bulk use (apartments)       Rs. _______________

        g. Total for all bulk use (others)           Rs. _______________

        h. Total for all other use                   Rs. _______________

                  Grand Total                        Rs. _______________

9.2 How frequent are consumers billed?
         ___ Monthly           ___ Every 2 months       ___ Others _____________

9.3 Methods of Payment
     Water bills are paid through   ___ Bill Collector      ___ Water Utility Office
                                    ___ Bank                ___ Automated Teller Machine
                                    ___ Post Office         ___ Others ______________

9.4 Water supply revenue in 2009
    a. Water sales (consumption charges, connection, etc): Rs. ______________________
    b. Other revenues (materials sales, construction, etc.): Rs. ______________________
    c. Subsidies/grants (government and other sources): Rs. ______________________
9.5 Year end accounts receivable (water billing & all other outstanding invoices):
                                                               Rs. _________________
9.6 Water supply O & M expenses in 2009:
     a.  Purchase of Bulk Supply (raw water or treated water)       Rs. ____________

     b.  Personnel                                                  Rs. ____________

     c.  Power/Fuel                                                 Rs. ____________

     d.  Chemicals and materials                                    Rs. ____________

     e.  Repair and maintenance                                     Rs. ____________

     f.  Transport                                                  Rs. ____________

     g.  Depreciation                                               Rs. ____________

     h.  Other (Identify) _____________________________             Rs. ____________

                                        Total O&M Cost              Rs. ____________
     The cost of contracted services (cost of services provided by private firms) may be placed under

9.7 Total debt service (interest and principal) in 2009:   Rs. ______________________
9.8 Annual capital development expenses in 2009:           Rs. ______________________
9.9 Total Capital Expenditure in the last 5 years:         Rs. ______________________
      Funded by:       ___ internally generated reserves    ______ %
                       ___ government grant                 ______ %
                       ___ government loan                  ______ %
                       ___ commercial loan                  ______ %
                       ___ other ____________________       ______ %
                                                Total:     100 %
9.10 Gross fixed asset value including works in progress: Rs. ____________________



10.0 Sewage

10.1 Coverage (zone-wise)

10.2 Collection Ratio of every sewage treatment plant

10.3 Number of sewage treatment plants (zone-wise)

10.4 Total capacity of each sewage treatment plant

10.5 Total sewage treated at each plant

10.6 Location of each sewage treatment plant

11.0 Rain Water Harvesting

11.1 Number of rainwater harvesting installations in every zone

11.2 Number of community installations in every zone

11.3 Number of personal installations in every zone


So is this form final now?

shekhar_mittal - 21 April, 2010 - 13:53

Shall we start showing it to other experts?

Pretty much.

Neha_Dar - 21 April, 2010 - 14:10

Yep, lets.


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