Whitefield Local Area Mobility Plan (LAMP)


Whitefield Local Area Mobility Plan (LAMP)

Project number 12297
Opened by silkboard
Opened On 6-FEB-2012 - 02:53:37 AM
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So far, all mobility planning in Metropolitan area of Bangalore happens with central city in mind. However, Bengaluru's future is mostly in the hands of its suburban areas and satellite towns. Planning for mobility for a suburban area has a few different angles to it. There are few clear categories of needs, Examples of these, in Whitefield/Mahadevapura context

  • Link to central city, coming "to" the suburban area (ex: 335/331 routes)
  • Link with central city, going "through" the suburban area (ex: Commuter Rail link we are dreaming of, even G1, which avoids central whitefield area)
  • Intra-area mobility (ex: how those cars going to new shopping areas in whitefield make Saturday the most miserable day for mobility)
  • Link to farther satellite towns for commuters who may work in suburban area, but live even farther in satellite towns (ex: Hoskote or Varthur side developments, wanting to link to Whitefield as the job-area)

Some of us have discussed a focused project to a) attempt a local area mobility plan (LAMP) for Whitefield/Mahadevapura, and b) make some of the recommendations happen as well. This is that project.

Note: The project was seeded during a meeting with RK Misra, Whitefield rotary club members and separate internal meetings within Praja RAAG. We will all collaborate to produce output, and more groups are welcome to join in.

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LAMP for a suburban area - starter list

LAMP concept may be essential very soon in all suburban areas to deal with traffic growth & work over disappointing efforts on multi-modal integration so far. Here is a starter list compiled by Naveen based on our discussions, Sanjeev's notes in multi-modal integration, and mantri mall study done by researchers at CiSTUP.


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Bus stand locations, easy walking for bus change @ Marathahalli

We have been making very slow progress on putting together this LAMP. Why not do an ideation exercise as part of the project online. For the LAMP, we talked of working on designated entry points to the local area, as in Whitefield. Take Marathahalli.

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Urban Planning and the Whitefield Area

The Whitefield area which I am taking to include areas like parts of Bangalore between ORR, KR Puram Whitefield Road, HAL Varthur Road and Whitefield Main Road iteself is today notorious for its horrendous traffic and grid lock while having a large chunk of bangalore's vaunted IT industry, and expensive tracts of housing in well manicured communities.

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