Posts : Traffic

new traffic complaint website

pradeep - 25-OCT-2010



Is Praja ahead of time?

kbsyed61 - 18-OCT-2010

In many instances we have seen that from private to government agencies have lifted ideas from online communities like Praja, and ideas/discussions have been borrowed or inspired from. Don't agree?

Centralized data in RTO - Filing RTI with Transport Commissioner

kbsyed61 - 12-OCT-2010

I am getting ready to file some RTI's with transport department to find out the state of centralization motor vehicle data and use of same by RTOs. The Transport department's website ( mentions about computerization of  records.

Bangalore Meter Jam (say no to Autos)

bansal - 8-OCT-2010


Number and Type of Violations

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

Data on traffic violations, by type - comparative statement: M.V. ACT  Cases booked for years 2006 TO 2010 in Bangalore City:


Number of vehicles registered in Bangalore

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

Number of Motor Vehicles registered & kept for use in Bangalore city, 1976 to 2009 (UPTO 31.12.2009)


Bangalore - Traffic

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

Traffic is probably the most popular subject of discussion in Bengaluru. Language of rage, frustration, surprises and disappointments is universal, but attempts to collect menanigful information and data and analyze them are far and few.

Data from Bangalore Traffic Police

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

A gyan page to hold together posts that carry statistics and data received from Bangalore Traffic Police. Bangalore Traffic Police collects and maintains detailed statistics on

Motorcycles kill more than BMTC buses?

silkboard - 19-SEP-2010

An interesting stat in the data sets from Traffic police - despite all the negative talk about BMTC drivers (tabloids love it), motor cycles accidents result in more deaths on city roads than BMTC buses. Further, tractors cause more deaths on city roads than taxis and maxi cabs combined. So much for the yellow plate trash talk :)

Driving Schools & Scientific Test Track

Ravi_D - 17-SEP-2010

My wife needed a 2 wheeler license, and went to Jnanabharati / Kengeri RTO yesterday. They don't conduct tests on their Mysore Road location anymore, and are requiring that the test be taken at the new 'electronic / scientific' test track at Mallathahalli.