Posts : governance

Battle of Good Vs Bad - Autorikshaw Driver Vs Ranbaxy, IPL

kbsyed61 - 17-MAY-2013

What a week! 3 news items that made headlines are worth taking note of.

Improvements in the Electoral Process

srkulhalli - 10-MAY-2013

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Improvements in the Electoral Process

Please Go out and VOTE - May 5th, 2013

kbsyed61 - 4-MAY-2013

Karnataka State Elections - Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Polling hours extended in Karnataka.

B-PAC, the mantra for all of city's problems?

murali772 - 30-APR-2013

B-PAC (Bangalore Political Action Committee) is all over town, the latest being for backing 14 select candidates for the May 5th Assembly elections.

A resident's assessment of Mr Ramalinga Reddy (Cong), BTM layout MLA - 09-13.

murali772 - 28-APR-2013

While Daksh - Citizen Matters performane analysis of the MLA is accessible here, as also an interview by the Citizen Matters reporter (accessible here), I thought I'll make my

What are MLA (2013 - 18) candidates' views on the following?

murali772 - 11-APR-2013

Various internet web sites have details of MLA candidates like their criminal records, wealth, etc. Nobody however knows what individual candidates stand for, and what their plans are if they get elected. Voters can make better decisions if they know candidates' views on a fixed set of questions, through the following means:

Citizen's Charter of Demands for State Elections - 2013

kbsyed61 - 28-MAR-2013

It is 2013 and time for elections to Karnataka State Assembly. Certainly time has flown so fast that, the state elections of 2008 appears as if it happened yesterday. 2008 elections are history now and whether like it or not, 2013 state elections are around the corner.

Lecture on the Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens. Event

psaram42 - 17-MAR-2013

Freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and religion are the most important fundamental rights of any citizen of a country. Right to property though justifiable, the concept of socialism, prevented its inclusion in our constitution.

“ Deleted”

psaram42 - 17-MAR-2013

Daksh - Citizen Matters - State of the the City survey

murali772 - 8-MAR-2013

It's time for our legislators to face their constituents. Tell us what you think about your elected reps!  

Rating them would be the first step to getting accountable leaders. Click here