Widening Palace Road at the cost of trees is not a solution balu036 - 10-DEC-2010
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'development' under police protection Public Agenda - 28-NOV-2010
Is this how people are excluded from the way policy and schemes are implemented? |
Re-Imagining the World-Class City chris.kurian - 18-NOV-2010
The Indian Institute for Human Settlements [] announces an Institute on 'Re-Imagining the World-Class City' at Bengaluru from the 3rd to the 9th of January 2011. |
Adyar Ananda Bhavan, BTM layout - giving one example acoward - 7-NOV-2010
You people are discussing bye-laws and corruption. Now I will give you an example of how one mid-size business plays on these two subjects and we people do not see anything. I can see, but can not do anything about it. |
Adarsha Society at Mumbai, Why not Mantri Mall as well? Sanjeev - 4-NOV-2010
Mantri Mall builder violated building by-laws’Mantri Mall builder violated building by-laws’the builder should have left at least 10 per cent of the total land for gardens as per the terms and conditions. Besides, a 16-metre space should have been left in front of the building as per the sanctioned plan, but it has left merely 8-metres space. |
Why is BBMP broke - where is the money? silkboard - 21-OCT-2010
We are told that BBMP is broke, they have no money. How many of us know the reaon why. A growing city, with so much commerce (IT, BT and all) going on, how exactly would it be broke? No english is required to explain things, numbers always tell their story. |
Protest to press for rights of evicted hawkers vinay_sreenivasa - 20-OCT-2010
Dear All, |
idontspam - 20-OCT-2010
"Forget mega infrastructure projects, there is no money even for ward-level works," |
murali772 - 9-OCT-2010
On February 5, 2010, ABIDe had written to the CM, anticipating problems likely to arise from the slew of denotification orders issued by the urban development department. It had termed these denotifications as ‘non-transparent’. The letter had also recommended that “the ad hoc denotification of notified property be stopped completely. |
BBMP systematically encouraged illegal buildings kbsyed61 - 7-OCT-2010
Source - Cititen Matters: |