Posts : Bangalore

July Bus Day - moved to 7th July

Srivatsava - 23-JUN-2010

Folks, get ready to take the Bus again!!

July Bus day will NOT be on the 4th of July, since its a Sunday. Instead, it will be on Monday, the 5th of July. 7th July, moved out in light of Bharat Bandh.

This time round, there are two more corridors being added for Bus Day, making it a total of 7 corridors. The list of corridors

  1. Old Madras Road
  2. Old Airport Road
  3. Sarjapura Road/ORR,
  4. Hosur Road
  5. Bannergatta Road
  6. Tumkur Raod
  7. Mysore Road

As usual, don't forget post your experinces here on Praja!!


traffic signal violations- need info

saamk - 23-JUN-2010


m new here, don't know whether this is the proper section to post this,

two days back my friend was riding his 2 wheeler in jayanagar 4th block area. he crossed the signal when it was green but after a second or so it turned red.. Two traffic police were standing on the road side but he managed to speed up and run away as there were other vehicle the traffic police was attending to... the police keeps yelling and possibly note down the reg. number. Now he's worried what kind of charges he might face... he didn't stop the vehicle(after signal jump) coz  he was in a hurry moreover he doesn't have cash at that time to pay for the spot fine which the police would have demanded..

now he's worried as they note down the his number.. what kind of charges/fines he would face.

plz give some ideas or suggestions in this matter.


BMTC Feeder service to City Railway Stations!

kbsyed61 - 23-JUN-2010

Deccan Herald carried a news item quoting BMTC about its plans to start a feeder service connecting BMTC Bus Stand and the City Railway Station.

Inputs to proposed Fire Safety Legislation

deepakar - 22-JUN-2010

I'm posting this on behalf of Vivek Reddy of the BJP Legislative cell. Vivek is gathering inputs for a reform to the current Fire-safety laws and their enforcement. He was keen on getting inputs from Praja too. I had referred the following two threads to him.

Further inputs will be appreciated

* Who are the local experts on the area that could contribute to this activity?

* Are you aware of some measures and best-practices adopted successfully in other countries?

* Anyone who has knowledge of the law and can critique the current legislation?


Rethinking road-widening - Tunnels?

Transmogrifier - 22-JUN-2010

One of the core infrastructural issues we are facing is an inability of our arterial roads and highways to provide rapid cross-town access. Globally, city and highway planners recognize and create different infrastructure for highways and city roads. See Dr. Joglekar’s posts here for a succinct description of this problem plaguing most Indian cities. A simple schematic (full size image here)and an inventory of city highways reveals the problem.

Thru Highways:

  1. NH7 (in blue)
  2. NH4 (in red)

Terminal Highways:

Presentation describing Open Data pilot

silkboard - 20-JUN-2010

Here is a presentation describing the Open Data pilot proposal. Credits to IDS, Shekhar, Rithesh and Sreeram. We have been speaking with a few government officials for their participation in the pilot and expect to 1-3 confirmations ASAP.

Personally, I find the proposal very exciting. There are parallels from UK/US to borrow from, but our government systems are not as digitized yet and not everyone is used to talking transparency using real data (citizens, media or governments), so the work involved should be unique and interesting.

Open Data for Karnataka - Pilot

admin123 - 20-JUN-2010

Not the usual Praja type project, but here is a different and potentially high impact project we are putting up for your support.

BWSSB Ultrosonic Flow meters What can they do?

psaram42 - 20-JUN-2010

I saw this leak presumably Cauvery water, during my usual morning walk to day at about 6:15 AM. Instead of picking up a telephone and putting in my complaint at some BBMP  ward office I thought of putting a blog entry on Praja. The BWSSB has installed Ultrasonic flow meters all around Bangalore  for detecting pilferage and or leakages.

   Picture 1. The Ultrosonic Flow meter installed at 80 ft Road

I am not sure whether these kinds of leakages can be detected let alone the exact location identified.

Picture 2. The Drinking Water Pipe on 80 Ft Road Indiranagar Laid beneath the foot path in front of the BSNL Telephone Exchange

Picture 3. The Water gushing at the 12th main 100 ft road Junction at Indiranagar


Apply chennai's story in Bangalore ?

thampan - 19-JUN-2010

Just read this blog entry  on "Indian Liberals and Colour Pictures" by Amit Verma . Among other things, he talks about how colour pictures were used to transform chennai roads.

Excerpt : (Emphasis mine)

Cherubal works as a coordinator at Chennai City Connect, and holds the view that politicians and bureaucrats, sometimes caricatured as the villains in the piece by dogmatic liberals, are often on our side, and agree with us about the nature of the problems. But giving them abstract ideas about what to do is pointless, for they don’t have the bandwidth to take them further. The only effective approach is two-pronged: One, show them case studies to demonstrate that our solutions have worked elegantly elsewhere; Two, give them a detailed road-map of how to implement the solution.

Our Worshipfull Corporaters

psaram42 - 18-JUN-2010


Shri. S.K.Nataraj, Worshipful Mayor , No. 144, 12th Cross,3rd Main, Sarakki Grama, Bangalore-560078 Mobile : 9845013157