Posts : Schools

Primary education - all well?

silkboard - 11-JUN-2008

What was your experience like when you ran around to get your 3-4 year old admitted into pre-school or nursery? Leaving out those who could afford to pay and get into the 'top end' primary schools (money was the clear filter there), did the rest have good visibility into the criteria used to accept or reject their children? How many of you got real receipts for the entry/admission fee you paid? And if you hedged between 2-3 schools, and got admission into all, did you get your fees or deposits refunded in full?

Bangalore needs more new schools

kbsyed61 - 21-MAY-2008


In the midst of high profile issues and subjects, it seems we as Bangaloreans and Indians in general have neglected the Primary and secondary level education. When I say education, it has to be affordable to 80-90% of the population. Not just 10%-20%.

Some ideas on education in Karnataka

tsubba - 18-APR-2008

At the outset this, has nothing to do with the civic life of bangalore as such, but as much as bangalore is tied to the rest of the state at the hip, and as much as the output of our schools is cru