Posts : Bangalore

Grade separator projects across 7 arterial corridors

vaishvittal - 25-NOV-2009

The BBMP’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has approved grade separator projects and road widening across the 12 arterial corridors in Bengaluru. This is part of making these corridors signal-free.

Covering of all Storm water drains at ward 74 Jeevan Bhimanagar, Bengalooru

psaram42 - 25-NOV-2009

 All the SWDs at Ward no 74 are being covered fully. The entire cross roads are being provided with Road humps. I believe this is happening in all the other BBMP Wards. I have the following points 

Public Transport Buses : Do we need metro ?

bharatm - 24-NOV-2009

Summary:  Today we are considering other alternative like Metro, flyover etc. Article try to questions that do we need to consider alternatives ? Have we exhausted capacity of the current Public Transport Bus system and there is no chance to improve efficiency and effectiveness. 


All the Media Mentions

shekhar_mittal - 24-NOV-2009

Let us document all the newspaper articles that had a mention of MobiliCity. This can help us in the future.

Unconference Session: Crowdsourcing GeoData For Public Transport Information

admin123 - 24-NOV-2009

There was an unconference session by Srikanth L on the above topic. The slides can be accessed or downloaded here.

Unconference Session: Tackling Bangalores Traffic & Infrastructure Mess

vijaypadiyar - 24-NOV-2009

There was an unconference session taken by Vijay Padiyar from Cisco on the above topic. The presentation can be found here


admin123 - 24-NOV-2009

How easily you can go from walking or taking your cycle or car, parking it and switchingto a bus or metro, then catching an auto to your destination, all in single journey and in a reasonably good time, is a measure of the efficiency and efficacy of a transport system.

Citizens question transport department’s policy draft

vaishvittal - 24-NOV-2009

At a recent meet on sustainable transport, Bangaloreans and officials discussed the state transport department’s draft policy, a document not many are aware of.

Read more on Citizen Matters

Report on MOBILICITY unconference

murali772 - 24-NOV-2009

The Transport Policy draft released by the GoK is not exactly very inspiring.

Unprofessional civic agencies

idontspam - 23-NOV-2009

 Residents put to difficulty again