Posts : Bangalore

MobiliCity Session: Road Design Standards: Getting There

admin123 - 10-NOV-2009

Roads are used by all citizens, and in various ways - as pedestrians, cyclists, hawkers, or by use of private vehicles and public transport. In addition, roads are the medium used by all utilities like water, electricity, telephone and cable lines, as well as sewerage. Roads also have environmental aspects such as tree cover and rain water run off.

MobiliCity: Overview of the Panel Debate

admin123 - 10-NOV-2009

A framework for sustainable mobility involves several aspects like:

  • Land use patterns and city planning

  • Public transportation systems – various modes and linkages between them

MobiliCity Schedule

admin123 - 10-NOV-2009

We are yet to lock it down completely, but this is how the day is going to look like on 21 November. Will post the details of individual sessions separately.



SWR and Local Trains

rs - 10-NOV-2009


It seems like finally things are moving in the direction of using the existing railway tracks around Bangalore. The SWR seems to have a proposal to introduce a commuter rail system, once their electricification of the tracks is completed. This could be a really great thing. I hope it goes through

Some good news regarding public transportation...

rs - 9-NOV-2009

Here is some good news concerning public transportation....

Plans for Bellandur flyover?

rajeevraj - 9-NOV-2009

This is my first post here. I live and work near the ORR in the Belandur Area. Have ben witnessing the chaos at the Belandur Jn on a daily basis(Although the traffic police do quite a good job to handle this intersection). I had read a lot on the plans for underpasses/flyovers a Belandur, Deevarabeesanahalli as part of the ORR signal free project.

Footpath misuse

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 9-NOV-2009

 I found this person parking in neatly built pavement in Koramangala 4th Block.

I feel bad  when a (rich) citizen does not follow discipline. See the attachment. This is just one sample. We see lots of such parking. Why to blame government? 

ORR/OMR - Extra loop at K R Puram

idontspam - 8-NOV-2009

Here is the plan BDA is going ahead with for this stretch. Anybody know what loop this is? Any idea what the improvement is? 

Rs 15 crore for the construction of additional loop and improvement of junction at K R Puram flyover

Please do not plan to settle down in Bengaluru, it is dying.

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 8-NOV-2009


All those dear Indians and others from all over the world,

Please do not mistake this post.  This is for your own good and ours too; while the final choice is yours, have a look at the bleak future you may face if you come and settle down:

Source: Deccan Chronicle-front page-todate:

Nutshell: RITES Report -

Public works - workings and problems

silkboard - 8-NOV-2009

This is to understand and the criticize the way this whole public tendering and works process works. Not as sexy a topic as Roads, Flyovers or Airports, but this is where it all happens - execution matters most. Most corruption also happens here as this is the place where money changes hands. Citizen involvement (lack of it) plays here - as work must be checked for quality.