Posts : Bangalore

Reporting BMTC ticket corruption

silkboard - 12-AUG-2009

Further from those posts on ticket-less corruption in BMTC, we now have a way of reporting these incidents. Yes, it is an Internet based system, so the complaints about this not being available to majority of BMTC commuters etc etc apply. Still, something is better than nothing.

Hyperpopulation and city administration

idontspam - 11-AUG-2009

Many of the cities that had a population of 5-8 million and were reasonably well-managed until 20 or 30 years ago are struggling to manage populations of 12-15 million (and still rising).

Technology as good as implementation

idontspam - 11-AUG-2009

So far, nearly 38,000 smart cards have been issued to the public from all the ten Road Transport Offices (RTOs) in Bangalore .... the card did not have details like hypothecation ...

Visit To Bangalore's Traffic Management Center

silkboard - 11-AUG-2009

Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP) seems to be doing some good work to put together an integrated traffic management system for our city. We are told that the Traffic Management Center (TMC) is a key peice of this plan. We had requested BTP (Mr Sudhir, PSI, TMC) to help arrange a visit to their upgraded TMC. They will be more than happy to host us and show us around on Saturday Aug 22.

Swine Flu - Symptoms - contacts for treatment

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 11-AUG-2009

Take Care - Swine Flu / Influenza A(H1N1) is on the prawl -  Also Dengue

-Symptoms: May start with or any of these: Head Ache/Body Ache, sore throat, cough, fatique, chills, nausea, vomitting, diarrhea and fever.

A Radical town planning approach, advantages and disadvantages

psaram42 - 11-AUG-2009

There is a need to have some changes in the current thinking, as far as the town planning aspects of cities like Bangalore are concerned.

COMING: Big Circle Buses

idontspam - 10-AUG-2009


Monthly Praja meet August 9, 2009

psaram42 - 9-AUG-2009


(Un)Real Estate

idontspam - 8-AUG-2009

All of us who have bought a House/Land/Flat can understand how uncontrolled and scam ridden this sector is. I have also cribbed previously on this forum about the lack of a regulator in this sector.

Public Transporation - Is there a better way to handle it?

nagrajprabhu - 8-AUG-2009

Why do we see a huge number of people waiting for the bus at certain stops?

Why are people not opting for public transport?