Posts : Bangalore

Tree cover in Bangalore

bsubbi - 16-MAY-2009

I came across an article in 'The Hindu' which mentions that the tree cover of Chennai is 20%. Also, looking online I realised there is good amount of information about cities in the US along the same lines and how it is used - mainly for urban forestry.

Vehicle registration rate dips in Bengaluru

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 15-MAY-2009


Media has reported that during the last six months number of vehicles being added to the city roads has come down drastically -

an interesting article for everyone interested in predestrian friendly cities

jennypinto - 14-MAY-2009


Importance of Lakes in and around Bengalooru for drinking water needs of the city

psaram42 - 14-MAY-2009

 The city of Bengalooru had plenty of lakes earlier. Unfortunately due to lack of concern and unabashed greed, a lot of them are extinct now. Lakes are a very important aspect in the over all water management for a city like Bengalooru. (Some rivers were flowing through the city of Bangalore, I believe).

RTO - A functional database

Ravi_D - 14-MAY-2009

This TOI article reports progress in computerization effort

BMTC - Stats and Full Picture

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 11-MAY-2009

[Forked off from this thread] You asked for it Sir.  Here they are:

Community Bicycle Sharing

idontspam - 13-MAY-2009

Canada is pioneering on the North American continent what Europe has been doing in the following cities for long.

Meet Mr Jai Prasad (BBMP) on Road Standards

srkulhalli - 13-MAY-2009

We are planning to meet Mr Jai Prasad to discuss on Road designs in Bangalore. Agenda is:

Metro work on MG Road today

srinidhi - 13-MAY-2009

 Had a chance to use the bus today to office..the bus went through  MG road for a distance..havent been on this road for about 3 years now! The superstructure is slowly getting into are two photos..

No cars in your part of town? You must be in Vauban, Germany

mandayamr - 12-MAY-2009

Not related to Bangalore ... Just read this article on NYT, and thought of sharing the idea.

I think that my tags of "wishful thinking" "foolish expectations" are appropriate.