Posts : BTP

Seat belts optional in Bangalore?

s_yajaman - 1-MAR-2011

 Is the wearing of seat belts optional in Bangalore?  On my recent visits here I find (on a quick check) less than 30% of private car drivers wear seat belts, almost no taxi driver and LCV driver wears one.

Why regular traffic on BTM Roads?

shashi kumar y - 3-FEB-2011

Many people who use the BTM stretch of the Outer RING RD face daily traffic jam for about one hour or so. The place am taking is between UDUPI GARDEN to SILK Board signal. The same in reverse direction. But the trouble is more in former.

Public have various versions for the traffic jam between these two points. The various reasons may be:

Yet another way to enforce traffic rules

Rithesh - 2-DEC-2010

One can call it decentralization of traffic rules enforcement - let citizens help the police book people for traffic violations and let them be rewarded for this. 

Transport Mafia in Kalasipalyam

imran_huq17 - 29-NOV-2010

I have been trying to complain against the issue of the Transport mafia in our locality in bangalore.However i am getting no response from the police department or BBMP . This locality is one of the oldest areas , but unfortunately has been severely neglected. We the residents of

Number of vehicles registered in Bangalore

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

Number of Motor Vehicles registered & kept for use in Bangalore city, 1976 to 2009 (UPTO 31.12.2009)


Data from Bangalore Traffic Police

silkboard - 22-SEP-2010

A gyan page to hold together posts that carry statistics and data received from Bangalore Traffic Police. Bangalore Traffic Police collects and maintains detailed statistics on

Motorcycles kill more than BMTC buses?

silkboard - 19-SEP-2010

An interesting stat in the data sets from Traffic police - despite all the negative talk about BMTC drivers (tabloids love it), motor cycles accidents result in more deaths on city roads than BMTC buses. Further, tractors cause more deaths on city roads than taxis and maxi cabs combined. So much for the yellow plate trash talk :)

DriveWell Day Training at TMC - report

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 15-SEP-2010

I reached venue 30 mins late, as I got confused between old Ashoknagar police station(where I saw board as traffic division). Thats fine. Actually its very near to Garuda Mall.

Session was so nice. The following points were shown, of course lots of Q&As.

First DriveWell Day, supported by MphasiS - October 15

silkboard - 15-SEP-2010

The first Drive Well day is confirmed for September 30th now postponed to October 15. (confirmed). MphasiS is supporting this first event. Based on how it goes, we can sit down with traffic police to plan the next one, and also find sponsors for the next such or similar event.

Training for Drive-Well Day volunteers, Sep 15

silkboard - 9-SEP-2010

Training for volunteers for Drive-Well Day is b eing organized on Wednesday 15th September 2010 between 2.30 and 4.30 at TMC. 20+ volunteers from MphasiS are attending. Anyone here wants to go, please leave a comment.

Venue: Bangalore Traffic Police's Traffic Management Center (TMC).