Posts : cycle infrastructure

The 1st 'Feel Bengaluru Cycle Day'

silkboard - 25-SEP-2013

The Cycle Day campaign kicks off on Sunday, Oct 27, with its first monthly event, "Feel Bangalore Cycle Day".

More details to follow (this event most will be edited with more specifics), here is the high level plan, a simple call:

Planning "Feel Bengaluru Cycle Day", a monthly event

silkboard - 25-SEP-2013

We are kicking off the campaign via a monthly event called "Feel Bengaluru Cycle Day". Its a simple call for everyone to just take their cycles out, 'feel' the city early in the morning by cyling through fresh air and empty roads on a Sunday morning to Cubbon Park,

The Cycle Day campaign

deepakar - 25-SEP-2013

Thanks to the efforts of DULT, CiSTUP, RACF, enthusiasts like Das, few Praja RAAG guys (Sri, Sathya), and the enthusiastic cycling groups like Bangalore Bikers Club, Critical Mass and more, there seems to be a buzz about cycling in the city! Lot many more Bengalureans could cycle though.

Jayanagar Bicycle Track Survey

neelakshijoshi - 10-JUL-2013


If you are a resident of Jayanagar or its surroundings please take this survey on the recently installed bicycle tracks and pedestrian measures.

This is to better understand their reception, the current problems and the lessons to carry forward to other NMT plans. 

Also feel free to share your views and comments on the same. 

First hearing in the High Court - June 3

silkboard - 19-MAY-2013

Just marking the date. June 3. First hearing in the High Court on this PIL.

We are not sure how many people can actually join in at the court. Need to check with the lawyer if 10-12 of us can join in. But if you are interested to attend, please do leave a comment here. One of us will respond on how many can come.

Watch this post for more details on this first hearing.

Revisit Bicycling enablement approach?

idontspam - 18-MAY-2013

After sitting thru lessons from the Jayanagar cycle lanes rollout, the various DPR's that have been presented for different areas, polls by Praja both online & offline during mobilicity & practical experience riding on Bangalore streets we could be doing this a lot more effectively.

What keeps you from using cycles for local grocery store runs, or short commutes?

silkboard - 12-MAY-2013

* Nothing really, just that I haven't given it a try * Scared that a bus/car/2-wheeler may hit me * Cycling is tiring and stressful * No space for cycles on our narrow roads * Good cycles seem very expensive * Hey, I do cycle around a lot! * So many things block my way on the road curb side * No places to park my cycle

Bike stand specifications..

srinidhi - 12-MAY-2013

So finally we have the bike stand commissioned at the Airlines today with a short ceremony..

The specifications for the above stand is as below:

Cycle stand inauguration @ Airlines Hotel, Sunday May 12, 8.30a

idontspam - 9-MAY-2013

We will be putting up a cycle stand at Airlines Hotel. Donated by Praja RAAG, and support from Airlines Hotel. In the sunday morning cycle ride tradition, the ribbon cutting will happen at 8.30 AM, at the venue  @

Cyclists' woes at Brigade World Trade Center

deepakar - 20-MAR-2013

Brigade Group's World Trade Center claims to be " The best address your office could have in Bangalore". Ask anyone who cycles to their workplace in this elite location and you'll probably get a snigger.