srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
Design templates for each road type srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
Based on the above classification, a number of road types were obtained in section 7. As mentioned in section 3, we are here proposing a reference design/ design template for each of the road type enumerated above. |
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
As we explained in section 3, it is impractical to go through the design process for every road. In addition, it is desired that there is a basic degree of standardization across all the roads in a city. |
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
Here we run through a real life example of a stretch of a road. We will look at the current state of this stretch of road, go through its uses as listed in section 4, and see the requirements of each of its uses as mentioned in section 5. |
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
Requirements/Specification for each use srkulhalli - 8-APR-2009
Requirements of each use case will be listed comprehensively, taking inputs from multiple sources. Were possible, the requirement will be specified numerically. The first source for the requirements would be IRC documents. |
Urban minimum wage as election promise? silkboard - 7-APR-2009
Cities are not just about rich or middle classes. It is estimated that majority of residents (> 60%) in our cities belong in poor or lower middle income groups. I was wondering if Lok Sabha 2009 has seen any promises that would influence the votes of this sizeable group? |