Posts : Bangalore

Stratified BMTC service & Making profits with deficient service

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 2-APR-2009

BMTC has of late adopted a highly stratified approach in discharging its social obligation in providing efficient service at economical rates to the commuters; its profits have soared because the most of the time the engines of the fully loaded or overloaded buses are switched off at most of the traffic hold ups - their failure and inefficiency in keeping up t

City Corporation Neglects Rashad Nagar

Richa.Dhodi - 2-APR-2009

Bangalore: Residents of Rashad Nagar continue to face the problems of open drainage and under-constructed roads even after repeated reminders to the Corporation.

Yaara Metro ?

das - 2-APR-2009

Yaara Metro ?

A Public Agenda for the coming BBMP elections !!

Public Agenda - 2-APR-2009

If the BBMP elections are held as per the High Court directions to the GoK then before the end of July 2009 we will have 148 elected councillors.

Almost 30 months without local government elections.

More pedestrian magic boxes from BBMP

silkboard - 2-APR-2009

In this close to a month old BBMP tender, find mention of RCC precast technology. Yes, thats our magic boxes. 6 of these are mentioned, one each for Ward #s 58, 61,62,63,64 and 65!. 65 lakhs each. Description: "Construction of Underpass / Pedestran Convenience Using RCC precast Technology in".

BMTC Meeting Update - Need innovative ideas!

Rithesh - 2-APR-2009

Today, a small team of Praja members interacted with Traffic Team at BMTC headed by the CTM(O). Following are the minutes of the meeting:

The agenda was to look at ways to popularize and increase the ridership of the Volvo services. A two way approach was suggested -

Guidelines for bus feeder services

Srivatsava - 1-APR-2009

During the Big10 meeting with Prof. Ashwin Mahesh, it was suggested that Praja-galu can suggest feeder bus services, which the professor could take up with BMTC.

Clean Elections in Bangalore this time

psaram42 - 1-APR-2009

It is to be appreciated that BBMP has taken a policy decision towards a clean parliamentary elections this

No polls for Sanjay Dutt

mcadambi - 31-MAR-2009

This is a proud day for India! Jai Bharat! No to criminals in politics! 

Why I may want to vote for BJP this time

murali772 - 31-MAR-2009

"I want to say that if NDA (BJP-led National Democratic Alliance) is voted to power, we will pursue this issue at legal and executive level and force Indian citizens to bring back their wealth to the country," Advani said, citing the "crusade" by western countries against tax havens provided by Swiss banks.