Segregating Pedestrians from Motor vehicle traffic psaram42 - 25-JAN-2009In To days Times of India the report of yesterdays accident in Indiranagar has been reported on the front page. The page 2 is fully devoted to the story. Mr. |
Pune cops look at solutions to smoothen traffic flow using fuzzy logic asj - 23-JAN-2009
Here is how data is mis-interpreted and mis-used to suit one's belief systems: Below is a letter I wrote to the journalist who did this TOI feature - |
murali772 - 16-JAN-2009
'Need for innovation in urban road infrastructure planning' psaram42 - 13-JAN-2009
In to days Times of India article Mr. Praveen Sood Additional Commissioner of Police (traffic) has articulated his concern about the pedestrians and the problems faced by the traffic police in enforcing the traffic rules. In democracy people get what they deserve. |
Petrol Unavailability and reduction of vehicles Vasanth - 10-JAN-2009
Because of the unavilability of Petrol and Diesel, so many vehicles have reduced on the road and people are tending to use public transport and autos. There are long queues in Petrol Bunks and it is annoying to stand in such long queues. People are feeling it is better to take the bus or auto until it settles down. |
Traffic Policeman menace in bangalore ramasada - 30-DEC-2008
I feel the Traffic Police in Bangalore in name of Traffic Management is turning into a Traffic Police Menace. I have seen them trying to catch the two wheelers all the time and taking bribe from them. Is there any mechanism available to stop this. Further I also see them stopping the Trucks and taking money from them. |
Bangalore and Ribbon Development silkboard - 30-DEC-2008
Traffic Lights and Signals - Adequate Pedestrian Phase Timings and facilities asj - 25-DEC-2008
Dear all, Here is a draft in process of finalisation. The aim is to get Pune Municipal Corporation to formally agree to apply a uniform protocol to ensure appropriate pedestrian safety measures are in place with regards to traffic lights / signals at junctions. |
Drink and Drive-Law or Moral Responsiblity Nitinjhanwar - 24-DEC-2008
There have been a drive by DNA Jaipur to get public opinion on the type of punishment to be given to offenders for drunk and driving. On June 17 of this year the Mumbai edition gave a article from the public who frequent this habbit and are aware of it: check: |
murali772 - 24-DEC-2008
What amazes me is they never seem to learn, even as our industry gets ready like its mighty US counterparts to go out with a begging bowl to the government for a bailout. This is possibly because they never listen. Today, even with the credit-tsunami, industry leaders and their sycophants in the finance world are all saying, "we never saw this coming". The reason is simple. |