Posts : Traffic

Hasiru Usiru

murali772 - 24-DEC-2008

Today (Wednesday) 7 PM at Koshy's, St Mark's Road, Bangalore to discuss what needs to be done to arrest the indiscriminate felling of avenue trees in the name of road widening.

All are welcome.

Muralidhar Rao

Rallies continue in the city - BSP's turn now

silkboard - 23-DEC-2008

This morning's 30-35 minute commute took over two hours. I come to office, and find it empty. All thanks to BSP's rally at Palace Grounds today. This is the state on eastern suburbs, I wonder what would be the situation in central areas of the city.

Commendable effort by Traffic Police

Ravi_D - 23-DEC-2008

Going west on Mysore road past ring road junction, you climb up a fairly steep gradient to get to Nayandahalli bus stop. As usual, where three lanes merge into two you see a bus stop. With busses stopped next to each other, it is almost a perennial traffic jam situation.

Bangalore Traffic - problems & solutions

murali772 - 20-DEC-2008

Presentations linked here were made by Mr Dasrathi (CEO of Cadem, Bangalore, and a member of Hasiru Usiru), who, even with being in his mid-forties, uses a bicycle for over 75% of the trips he makes, including client visits. He has stated that anyone may use these presentations in any way - view online, download, distribute, put them in blogs, whatever, as long as the message spreads.

Safe Passage Meeting

psaram42 - 12-DEC-2008

This post was put as a comment earlier by Mr. Chandrasekar, which is self explanatory.

BTRAC & Signals

Vasanth - 9-DEC-2008

BTRAC is putting signals in almost every intersections and replacing manual signals with lights.

One thing I observed in most of the replacement was that there is more congestion and waiting now. Traffic cops were manually observing the density of vehicles and releasing it accordingly. Waiting times used to be less.

Road Safety in Bangalore

Ravi_D - 9-DEC-2008

Recent terrorist activities have highlighted our vulnerability, drawing a lot of well deserved attention. But we should not forget that at the same time, other neglected issues continue to cause havoc in everyday life.

BTRAC and the road signs scam

silkboard - 8-DEC-2008

sign 2Tune your mind to observe traffic signs in the city, and you'd notice a few things. One, BTRAC project is busy putting up a lot of new ones. Two, perhaps they needn't have spent taxpayer's money on putting them up. Three, sorry Mr Sood, BTRAC may not be doing the best that it can.

Road Humps (Good & Bad)

anent - 5-DEC-2008

Bangalore is a good example for Good & Bad road humps. Though we have regulations in IRC (Indian Road Congress - but the humps in the city are being laid incorrectly in several areas.

The crooked signs

silkboard - 4-DEC-2008

Crooked Signs 2I think its a challenge, a real one. How do you convey, via simple road signs, the so modern concept of looping road interchanges!? Try describing an interchange when giving out directions - is that a left, or a right that you take from Inner Ring Road to get on to airport road towards HAL? The road signs around such interchanges convey this confusion really well. Some samples for you: