January Bus Day - cycles in the Bus!? silkboard - 7-DEC-2010
Let us help BMTC re-enthuse Bus Day with support and new ideas for more experiments. |
Widening roads around Palace grounds - alternatives Naveen - 7-DEC-2010
Referring to the DPRs for widening of roads around Palace grounds & Vinay's previous post: |
Underground Parking - whats the big deal? srinidhi - 6-DEC-2010
It has been in news since some time that BBMP is planning underground parking lots under playgrounds and other public amenities like parks etc.. more on this in this link.. |
The Absurdity of Signal Timing at Ejipura Road amu - 6-DEC-2010
I travel daily from Koramangala to Domlur via the 100ft road. There is a huge traffic jam at the Ejipura Crossing, any time of the day. I think this traffic jam is not due to the carrying capacity of the roads but the illogical/absurd green light timing. |
Bheema.Upadhyaya - 3-DEC-2010
So we are ready with following ideas for DDC 1) Drivewell Day-DWD - In progress 2) Stick It to Show - SIS - In progress Pledge for discipline driving. Stick various messages to display how a pledged driver is dedicated to drive well. 3) A Picture a Day -APAD - In progress |
APAD - A Picture A Day, Traffic Indiscipline idontspam - 3-DEC-2010
Submit motor vehicle traffic violation pictures/video that you would have clicked from your personal camera/phone here. The title of your comment has to read APAD - <date as DD/MMM/YY> - <some text> [PS: Help on how to insert a picture, via flickr, or directly] |
Yet another way to enforce traffic rules Rithesh - 2-DEC-2010
One can call it decentralization of traffic rules enforcement - let citizens help the police book people for traffic violations and let them be rewarded for this. |
Report on B/P-ToI Mobility event murali772 - 2-DEC-2010
Though announced to start at 10 AM, the event (Times of India’s ‘Bangalore Patrol’ public meet held at Shree Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain college on J C Road, on Sunday, the 28th Nov - ToI report may be accessed |
Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project Ravi_D - 2-DEC-2010
On 29/Nov ADB approved a $315 millon loan for Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project (KSHIP II). Amounts to 68% of estimated total ($463 million). Main goals: Improve over 600km of roads in the state. Due for completion by Dec 2014. Projected Outcome: |
Better facilities for private run buses! kbsyed61 - 1-DEC-2010
There is no denial that private bus service is being operated in Bengaluru and other places without having its own/leased infrastructure like Terminus or bus stops. As noted in the Imran_haq's ordeal in Kalasipalya, in absence of proper infrastructure, these buses are making use of the public spaces like Roads, gullys, playgrounds even making use of no parking spaces. |