Posts : governance

Property and tax particulars on BBMP website

murali772 - 13-JUN-2009

The newspaper ad can be accessed at,

Green cess

murali772 - 11-JUN-2009

You’ve paid infrastructure and education cesses. Now, get ready to shell out a green cess of 5 paise per kWh electricity. If the Karnataka government has its way, for the first time, the state will levy this on industrial and commercial establishments to raise funds for renewable energy.

Now, mini buses

murali772 - 8-JUN-2009

The corporation has decided to induct mini-buses to act as feeder to the metro rail, before the metro becomes operational.

Why stop at 250-storeys, Mr CM?

murali772 - 2-JUN-2009

A world-class 200-250 storey building and a garden around it. That is what may come up on the Bangalore Turf Club land. Yeddyurappa envisaged this structure during the Vikasa Sanaklp Utsav.

Other infrastructural area reforms in Mysore

murali772 - 30-MAY-2009

Now that the 'sensitive' JUSCO deal has been approved by PRAJAgalu , can we use the momentum built up to further the reforms in other key (but, perhaps less sensitive) infrastructural areas also, while the city enjoys the stewardship of a proactive district Commissioner like Mr Manivannan?

Environment Policy for BBMP/ state

murali772 - 30-MAY-2009

Given that we are almost on a daily basis protesting against one or other grovernment agency, I am coming to the realization that it perhaps isnt the best use of time. For one it is very difficult to get hold of people at short notice and more importantly is a source of constant friction.

Bengaluru Heritage Commission

murali772 - 27-MAY-2009

A statutory nodal agency for identification, protection, and conservation of Heritage in the Bengaluru Metropolitan Region shall be established. The agency shall have appropriate funding from from the government for its function, as well as autonomy in developing policies and practices.

Is the state lax about environment protection?

murali772 - 25-MAY-2009

Even as he cuts the red ribbon for the controversial Gundia power project on Saturday, chief minister B S Yeddyurappa will be violating the law. The project, taken up by the Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) to augment power generation in the state, is yet to get both forest and environmental clearance from the Centre.

Perhaps Obama should try PRAJA

murali772 - 25-MAY-2009

The Obama administration is making efforts to raise the involvement of the average citizen in policymaking. The White House has invited ordinary Americans to contribute ideas on making government more open, and unveiled a new website where raw federal data will be put online for public use.

Utter callousness

murali772 - 23-MAY-2009

The BBMP's negligence has cost a two-wheeler rider his life. Palike workers left a storm water drain in Fraser Town open after cleaning plastic waste from it on Thursday.