Posts : Analysis

Mayor not informed about 100 crore development works

belgaumblog - 5-OCT-2009

 In a written statement to the opposition, Mayor Yallappa Kurubar on Saturday said that, he had no information about the works being undertaken in the city under the Rs.100 crore special funds from the CM.

100 crore tug of war

belgaumblog - 5-OCT-2009

 A tug of war and fight for a chair is common in politics, but Belgaum is different from the lot.

Relevance of Lakes in Bangalore

psaram42 - 29-SEP-2009

 The topology of the city of Bangalore located at 3000 feet above sea level runs into three valleys 

Sustainable public transport system II

n - 28-SEP-2009

First pass at adding to blrpraj's document as promised. Additions are in a different font ("Arial") and colour (blue); no modifications or deletions. Comments are welcome.

Estimating travel patterns in Bangalore - possible approach

s_yajaman - 26-SEP-2009

Have been chastisized by Tarle for pouring ATF on burning embers in a previous post and not using my praja time on more useful things :). 

Water and Carbon cycle in Nature and how to mange them safely

psaram42 - 25-SEP-2009

Major portion of our body (90%) is water. Water is the elixir of life. Life on earth which is carbon based has lead to the study of biochemistry. There is a speculation about a possible parallel life system elsewhere in the Universe based on silicon [1].

ORR choking near KR Puram station - one reason

idontspam - 23-SEP-2009

Speaking of KRPuram shouldnt this entire length be only 2 lanes wide? Why are they allowing the use of the entire pancreatic bulge before the chicken neck? There should only be as many lanes as allowable for the entire stretch. So what do the "engineers" in the BBMP think when they lay asphalt? Do they know their profession has a meaning?

Open Drains Versus Point of Source Infiltration

RKCHARI - 20-SEP-2009

Open Drains
Point of Source Infiltration

The Pedestrian Crush

sandeepmr - 19-SEP-2009

This is what Bangalore needs to learn as we move on.The reason it's so crowded here is not because there's not enough space, it's because we give all of our space to the least spatially-efficient form of transportation available.

Sustainable public transport system - high level requirements

blrpraj - 19-SEP-2009

This has been long pending in my mind after reading and contributing to various praja posts over almost a year. I took a stab at a document that analyzes the high level requirements of a integrated public transportation network for Bangalore that can ultimately cater to long term growth.