Posts : Elections

BBMP elections - People's manifesto - Mobility

murali772 - 6-JAN-2010

A group of active citizens (via HU email list) has come forward to put up what they are calling the "Jana Pranalike" or "People's Manifesto" to be placed before the candidates/ parties contesting the forth-coming BBMP elections.

For ward 151 (Koramangala): Names on Voter List

shekhar_mittal - 27-DEC-2009

Smartvote Koramangla guys have digitised the voter list for ward 151 and come up with this:

Koramangla Smartvote Announcement

shekhar_mittal - 27-DEC-2009


Are you disheartened from our current democratic process?

Do you want to see a change?

Koramangla Smartvote Presentation

shekhar_mittal - 27-DEC-2009

BBMP Elections FAQ

shekhar_mittal - 27-DEC-2009

What is BBMP?

SmartVote - Door-to-door campaigning in Koramangala 3rd Block

deepakar - 28-NOV-2009

Door to door campaigning is planned for the Koramangala SmartVotes campaign (see details here

Meeting venue: Koramangala 12th Main , 3rd Block , BBMP Park

Time: 8.30 am and should be finished before lunch .

Incase you require any further information , please call :

Koramangala SmartVotes - Calling on volunteers

deepakar - 28-NOV-2009

Koramangala SmartVotes is a campaign to elect a true citizen's representative in the upcoming BBMP elections

The Process

Long pending Civic Elections

psaram42 - 18-OCT-2009

The way the BWSSB, in the absence of BBMP elected mayor and his team, is going ahead with its job of planning and maintaining the city infrastructure is not acceptable. Reference is made to the earlier two threads on the subject on SWD. 

Know your BBMP ward

Rithesh - 26-JUL-2009

 Following is the notification issued by GoK notifying the formation of 198 BBMP wards. The current wards are also re-drawn and alloted new numbers. 

BBMP Elections and your expectations

admin123 - 30-JUN-2009

Dear members, let us use this post to collect our expectations from parties in the coming BBMP elections. Please post short lists (your top 5) via comments. After a few comments, we will collect and merge the list, and create a poll/survey on the site to determine the most popular issues for BBMP elections.