Posts : Analysis

One more lake make-over project announced

Rithesh - 15-AUG-2009

One more lake makeover plan has been announced and this time it is BBMP. 900 crores will be spent on makeover of 187 lakes and the project is called ‘Namma Bangalore Nisarga’.

Swine Flu: Is the central govt. handling it well ?

srkulhalli - 12-AUG-2009

These are actual lines taken from news websites

Hyperpopulation and city administration

idontspam - 11-AUG-2009

Many of the cities that had a population of 5-8 million and were reasonably well-managed until 20 or 30 years ago are struggling to manage populations of 12-15 million (and still rising).

A Radical town planning approach, advantages and disadvantages

psaram42 - 11-AUG-2009

There is a need to have some changes in the current thinking, as far as the town planning aspects of cities like Bangalore are concerned.

Monthly Praja meet August 9, 2009

psaram42 - 9-AUG-2009


(Un)Real Estate

idontspam - 8-AUG-2009

All of us who have bought a House/Land/Flat can understand how uncontrolled and scam ridden this sector is. I have also cribbed previously on this forum about the lack of a regulator in this sector.

Race Course - argument for tall building and density

silkboard - 5-AUG-2009

I have been looking for some data points to support what very few have said about the Race Course debate. The argument goes like this - a tall building is a better option than doing a green open park. IDS said this, and some opposed, without real data points or arguments for backing.

MLA Trimurti keep Dil connected will work for development of Belgaum

belgaumblog - 4-AUG-2009

 Belgaum Cloth Merchants Association had called a special meeting o

BMLTA Pedestrian and parking policy report

Rithesh - 4-AUG-2009

BMLTA has come up with a draft pedestrian and parking policy. The vision seams to be in the right direction with emphasis is on pedestrians infrastructure including footpaths and crossings.

BMTC response to Praja's suggestions and feedback

Rithesh - 4-AUG-2009

Following is a letter from CTM(O), BMTC with regards to the paticipation and engagement of Praja members with them.