Posts : Citizen Reports

we start scaled down..

blrsri - 29-JUL-2009

 Spy shot is it? :P

Know your BBMP ward

Rithesh - 26-JUL-2009

 Following is the notification issued by GoK notifying the formation of 198 BBMP wards. The current wards are also re-drawn and alloted new numbers. 

BETL technologies

blrsri - 22-JUL-2009

 The 9 Km BETL is touted to open during Dussehera..

It is slated to have the following tech apart from the normal stuff..:

1.Highway traffic management system (HTMS),

Now everyone can Blog! and other site changes

tech - 21-JUL-2009

Effective today, we are introducing some changes to the way users write posts on Praja. Starting today, all users will be able to post blogs on Praja.

Moreover, we will also stop new forum topics from being added. The old forum posts will remain accessible.We have introduced these changes to reduce the confusion between Forums and Blogs.

We have also introduced 'Categories' for the posts. The current categories are tentative and we can change them based on your feedback. We will appreciate your help in drawing up a exhaustive 'category tree'. Please leave a comment below. We have also made it easier to choose 'Where' and Categories while writing the post.


blrsri - 21-JUL-2009

 Aiming at a seamless drive, service roads on either side of the Bangalore-BIA stretch will be converted to dedicated lanes and underpasses will be constructed.  Once in place, the

Hyderabad Metro - the reboot

silkboard - 18-JUL-2009

Saw this notice from Govt of Andhra Pradesh in the papers today, and the debates from last year flashed back.

Raise your voice against corruption in bangalore

anil_kumar_iim - 17-JUL-2009

Hi All,

I have raised my voice against corruption to senior officials in registration and stamp duty officals. Request you all to put your comments with CC to them, your friends and media persons.



A note to Abide...Post citizen consultation meeting

vmenon - 16-JUL-2009

I believe that the Abide process is a step in the right direction. I have gone through, right from the start, the documents on the web.

Vehicular Pollution Awareness- Students Initiative

asim_bmsce - 15-JUL-2009

This was an initaitive by students body of Mechanical Engineers Association BMSCE.

BBMP Online Tax Payment System

Ravi_D - 13-JUL-2009 functional. I paid my property taxes online last week.