s_yajaman - 4-JUN-2009
I have been traveling on the NH7 to BIAL for the past 1 year and decided to make this post on how my experience has changed since May 2008. It is also a tribute to the Bangalore Traffic Police's efforts to make the commute a safer one. We often have nothing but the harshest words for our bureaucrats (and I am no exception), but we need to give them their due when they do a good job |
Tier 2 chinese towns better than b'luru idontspam - 30-MAY-2009
Chinese cities that are nowhere in the league of Shanghai score better than Bangalore on atleast two fronts — respect for and execution of urban regulations and city orderliness.
Is HOHO experiment being dropped??? vinod_shankar - 25-MAY-2009
On my daily commute today, i observed 2 orange line buses being run with route number as 333P...... |
Pedestrian Voice - A joint campaign by Swabhimana and Praja s_yajaman - 24-APR-2009
SWABHIMANA and PRAJA are planning to bring together citizens ,stake holders and elected representatives on a common platform to discuss pedestrian related problems in different areas of Bengaluru |
Sustainable water supply for Bangalore s_yajaman - 11-MAR-2009
Bangalore has always faced chronic water shortages. Back in 1981 when the population was 2.9 million. In 1991 when the population was 4.5 million. And in 2008 when the population is some 7 million. I don't think there ever has been a time when we have had daily water. The past few years have seen a construction boom that has added to the strain on the w |
Corporation performs ‘magic’ on Nrupatunga Road Richa.Dhodi - 28-FEB-2009
BY Richa Dhodi BANGALORE: The newly-built subways on Nrupatunga Road, laid by the city corporation, are proving to be useful to the citizens of Bangalore. The second of the three pedestrian subways to be constructed on Nrupathunga road opposite St. Martha's hospital was laid on Sunday. Work on the third is to begin shortly. |
idontspam - 26-FEB-2009
Stockholm and Hamburg became the first cities to be named European Green Capital on Monday, Stockholm was commended for beach improvements, high recycling rates, its congestion charging system, an extensive public transport system and carbon emissions that were half the national average. |
idontspam - 25-FEB-2009
Also called reversible lanes. A reversible lane (called a counterflow lane or contraflow lane in transport engineering nomenclature) is a lane in which traffic may travel in either direction, depending on certain conditions. |
"Only God can save Bangalore's pedestrians" (DSC00410.JPG) s_yajaman - 23-FEB-2009This image was uploaded with the post "Only God can save Bangalore's pedestrians". |
"Only God can save Bangalore's pedestrians" (DSC00414.JPG) s_yajaman - 23-FEB-2009This image was uploaded with the post "Only God can save Bangalore's pedestrians". |