Posts : public transport

CCTF Report 3: Present Transport Situation

admin123 - 24-APR-2008


The present bus system has to be seen in the context of the history of Bangalore and its development as a city. The original city has a clearly and visibly bifurcated development with a Cantonment area controlled by the British Raj and a Western area under the control of the erstwhile Maharaja of Mysore. Two centres developed with one around Shivaji Nagar and the second around what is today called K R Market or Kalasipalayam. Subsequently, the creation of the City Railway Station and the formation of the Bus Station led to a third centre within the city. The current bus system was designed to serve the needs of this original city layout. However, the urban sprawl that has been created through an almost relentless growth in the city from the 1960’s has resulted in the existing model of bus transport not being able to support the growing needs of the city.


Public transport (BMTC) - what is needed to improve it? Your thoughts

s_yajaman - 22-APR-2008

One of the things that Bangalore lacks is a good integrated public transport system as of today. Namma Metro promises to improve things but is a few years away. Till then we depend on BMTC for public transport.

BMTC has changed a lot over the last 5-6 years. It (at least according to the website) operates a fleet of 5000 buses and carries about 30 lakh passengers a day (if one person makes 3 trips a day - it is 3 passengers). however, it still has a long way to go.

UP: a transport regulatory body to end monopoly of USPRTC

silkboard - 21-APR-2008

I am sure Mr Murali Rao would have read this with great interest. UP goverment is going to setup a Transport Regulatory body, thus ending the monopoly of US state road transport corporation over 460 routes that were recently de-nationalized.

Replace Indica with Nano for Call Centre and Office Drop off Vehicles

Vasanth - 20-APR-2008

Call Centre and IT companies pickup and drop off vehicle's menance are increasing day by day. Most of the companies use Inidicab for pickup and drop off of their staff. Inicab which is India is a very powerful vehicle, although safe for insiders,if not handled safely will lead to fatal accidents of 2 wheelers and pedestrains. 

Inter Modal Transit Terminal / Satellite Bus Terminus at Peenya

ssheragu - 9-APR-2008

while the construction of an Inter Modal Transit Terminal or Satellite Bus Terminus at Peenya is welcome, i fail to understand why the parking space is only for 257 cars and 813 two wheelers

The adventurous bus stands - K R Puram

silkboard - 3-APR-2008

There are a few of these special bus stands these days that exist right before a flyover or an underpass. Just as the road forks and grade separation begins, you find some crowd. Buses usually stops to block traffic heading towards the underpass or flyover. And pedestrians either have to run across flowing traffic, or wait in the middle of traffic to catch buses. Needless to say, you get a lot of 'almost' hit-and-run and screeching halt situations.

Urban Rail - The Chennai Experience

Naveen - 1-APR-2008

Sometime back, I remember reading a report in a magazine (published from either HongKong or Singapore) about the Chennai Suburban Rail (CRS) & the newer MRTS. This report, I think was actually based on a study for economic assistance for expansion of the Chennai MRTS (Phases 2 & 3).

Bus Turnouts

blrsri - 30-MAR-2008

Bus turnouts are bus stop areas that are recessed from the thoroughfare. The turnout provides an en route bus with an off-street service point that does not interfere with traffic movement and provides a safe waiting area for transit users.



One convincing reason for us to use public transport and bicycles

shas3n - 28-MAR-2008

They say a picture says a thousand words. Here is a poster that show the space occupied by same number of people using Cars, bus and cycles.
Can it get any more convincing than this?
Courtesy: Core77 blog.

TOI Unlock Bangalore Event - Learnings

narayan82 - 28-MAR-2008

As you all might have read in the papers, TOI had an Unlock Bangalore event at The Leela on March 28th 2008. Many say the event was merely a publicity stunt (as no other paper was allowed inside), but even so the secondary results were fruitful.