Posts : Byappanahalli

How SWR has admitted its short comings on Signalling at Bayippanahhali

Sanjeev - 6-JUN-2012

Here is the RTI reply from SWR  for the track improvements at Bayippanahalli. Till now how SWR has fooled public on its tracks being over utilized. Its high time SWR / GoK start thinking that they exist for Citizens and they should serve in the interest of Citizens.

A quaint and strange station : Byappanahalli railway station

Sanjeev - 16-SEP-2011

Wearing a deserted look, the Byappanahalli railway station is in dismal shape boasting of the apathy and disinterest exhibited on the part of the authority concerned. The comfort of using other hi-tech railways stations of the city with facilities like the digital indicators and computerised systems vanishes, as soon as one comes face-to-face with this desolated base.

Future of Old Madras Road?

kesavadas - 10-NOV-2010

Can anyone enlighten me as to what will happen to Old Madras Road once the Metro comes.

Will it be widened? Is there any plan by any authority on this?

Interchange hubs for inter-city travelers in Bangalore?

silkboard - 1-NOV-2010

How is Bangalore doing on Interchanges or transit centers? Not to be mixed with the burning need for local transit / bus change centers, where TTMCs have simply not filled the gap, and changing buses is a painfully inconvenient thing in general, the problem area is with long distance public transport. How do people arrive at the city, and then go to their final destination point?