Posts : Everything else

Foreigners in city..deport or not!

srinidhi - 27-MAY-2017

The recent arrest of the pakistani's in the city has raised lot of concerns at least in the press and questions too. Its a known fact that the porous nepal borders are an easy route for any one and everyone to enter India.

Isnt poverty a state of mind?

wgwwd - 16-SEP-2013

Well, many of you may feel, this is a political/controvesial thingi. But I wanted specifically to analyze from an ordinary "Praja's"(Mr.Common Man) view.

Someone said :

Poverty is just a status of mind.

He also said :

Mammoth bungling BBMP style

psaram42 - 21-MAY-2013


BBMP seems to be bereft of all hopes measuring up to its calling. They outsource the work of salary disbursing to Keonics without crediting any funds.

Living A Rewarding and Successful Life

Bangalore is Mine - 26-FEB-2013

Quite often I have been hearing and reading news of people being termed of living a ‘successful life’.. They have been termed successful based on their talent, achievement, popularity and sometimes, public adulation

Country of a Billion Fools?

Bangalore is Mine - 16-FEB-2013

Most of us believe (or rather made to believe) that the 4 pillars of our democracy stands on Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Press. However, in reality they are just watchdogs of the actual pillars that have overtaken the nation

Do we need fuel-gurgling Air Shows & Motor Races?

Vasanthkumar Mysoremath - 11-FEB-2013

Scientific predictions on Future availability of natural resources - Oil/Fuel :

- By 2022, get ready to pay Rs.720+ per litre of petrol and Rs.200+ per litre of diesel and consequential increase in transport and cascading effect on prices of all commodities.

Confederation of Indian Industries [CII] conference at Lalith Ashok

psaram42 - 19-DEC-2012


The day long conference started with the welcome address by Mr. L Krishnan, Chairman CII Karnataka State Council. The irony of rapid urbanization according to him was that we expect different results with identical actions. The vehicles to people ratio has increased rapidly which is holding the environment to ransom. Some disturbing news does make us sit up and think.

What ails us?

srinidhi - 22-AUG-2012

IDS put up a link recently about the trust deficit in Indians...more here

Many dangers of the mobile phone

psaram42 - 2-JUL-2012


We have come a long way from the early days of the computer since 1964. The mobile phone can be a mini computer in itself hence can be cloned / hacked.  

Guarding press freedom

murali772 - 13-MAR-2012

The Press Council of India (PCI) has objected to the Karnataka speaker’s decision to initiate proceedings against mediapersons for exposing Porngate, in which two BJP ministers allegedly viewed porn clips on the mobile phone of a colleague inside the assembly.