Posts : Geometric design

Bangalore Road Standards [BRS] Preliminary Discussions with DULT - a report

psaram42 - 25-JUL-2011

To day I spent a few hours discussing with Shri Shailendra Singh, Special Officer, at Directorate of Urban Land transport, of Urban Development Department, [DULT] govt of Karnataka. Shailender Singh is a Jat from Haryana and not a Sikh Sardar. I found him to be a fine / capable / forthright officer.

Requirements/specifications for each use

srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009

Requirements of each use case will be listed comprehensively, taking inputs from multiple sources. Were possible, the requirement will be specified numerically.

Uses of streets

srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009

There is more to a street than movement of vehicles. It also needs to be safe, usable and appealing for pedestrians, bicyclists and handicapped. It is also used for parking, turns, used by hawkers, etc. For better understanding we will classify and list these down.


srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009

To get to a design which is comprehensive and looks at all aspects of the road, we go about it in the following way.


srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009

The general expectations from a street are listed below. In other words, these are the principles/objectives on which street design should be based.


srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009


Road design manual

srkulhalli - 6-APR-2009