Posts : Vaayu Vajra

No discounted fare for Vayu Vajra passengers to/from Esteem Mall/Dairy Gate

bangalore-guy - 4-JUL-2011

I take the BIAS (Vayu Vajra) daily to commute to my office in shanthinagar. Have given up using my car and bike for office commute more than a year back (mentioned it on my blog few months back).

Vayu Vajra Schedule

rs - 15-JUL-2009


BIAS Routes and Frequency - suggestions

narayan82 - 10-JUL-2008

The BIAS services (Vaayu Vajras) are Bleeding! Only 1 out of every 4 busses on route Nos. 3 & 4 are even close to half full. I have seen a lot of the busses running almost empty. The return journeys seem to be faring better.

The reasons for this could be the following

How to reach BIAL

admin123 - 21-MAY-2008

This is a link to the 'Easy Guide' that shows various options available for passengers to reach BIAL. This was part of the press release BIAL sent Praja.

More information is available at .