Posts : population

2011 census - Karnataka population data

silkboard - 2-JUN-2011

Vinay mailed these over, provisional data on Karnataka from 2011 Census. Thought it would be worth sharing at this data hungry portal.

Somethings that caught my eye

  • Population density of Bangalore district, 2001: 2985, NOW? 4378

Any correlation here?

Vehicle to People ratio in Bangalore

idontspam - 29-SEP-2010

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['motionchart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Fruit'); data.addC

Analyzing Karnataka's Census data

silkboard - 1-MAR-2010

Come 2011, and we will have our once in a decade census done. If the projections prove right (, then Karnataka would be pegged at ~ 5.94 crore people.

The development mantra taking us for a nice ride

psaram42 - 20-JUL-2009


Sustainability - Making cities to be of one-hour wide functionality

asj - 30-JAN-2009

Speech by Mr. Peter Newman is a must read for all City Adminisrators and Town planners. Please do spend time reading. Its dense but insightful.