2011 census - Karnataka population data silkboard - 2-JUN-2011
Vinay mailed these over, provisional data on Karnataka from 2011 Census. Thought it would be worth sharing at this data hungry portal. Somethings that caught my eye
Any correlation here? |
Vehicle to People ratio in Bangalore idontspam - 29-SEP-2010google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['motionchart']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Fruit'); data.addC |
Analyzing Karnataka's Census data silkboard - 1-MAR-2010
Come 2011, and we will have our once in a decade census done. If the projections prove right (, then Karnataka would be pegged at ~ 5.94 crore people. |
The development mantra taking us for a nice ride psaram42 - 20-JUL-2009
Sustainability - Making cities to be of one-hour wide functionality asj - 30-JAN-2009
Speech by Mr. Peter Newman is a must read for all City Adminisrators and Town planners. Please do spend time reading. Its dense but insightful. |