Posts : road volume design

Bangalore Road Standards [BRS] Preliminary Discussions with DULT - a report

psaram42 - 25-JUL-2011

To day I spent a few hours discussing with Shri Shailendra Singh, Special Officer, at Directorate of Urban Land transport, of Urban Development Department, [DULT] govt of Karnataka. Shailender Singh is a Jat from Haryana and not a Sikh Sardar. I found him to be a fine / capable / forthright officer.

A case for better Road surfaces and volume

psaram42 - 6-AUG-2010

 Four companies viz ACC , India cements, Ital Cementi (Zuary) and. Ultratech cement Ltd.

Practical Road standards for manageable Cross Sections

psaram42 - 27-JUL-2010

 A road is not the mere outer visible surface. It is a volume to be precise. [This “Volume” concept is more attractive than conceiving a road as a  3-D object. Thanks to my visit to CSTEP some time back]. Its underbelly is the home of many services essential for the city / place it serves.