Posts : shared transport

My experience with car pooling

s_yajaman - 8-JUL-2013

I have been living in Bombay for the past 15 months.  Chose a place to live close to my children's school to minimize their commute.  A number of my (now ex-) colleagues live in the same area - some in the same building, some within 5 minutes walk.   I changed jobs in Jan and my new office is about 1.7 km from my old. 

Private public transport - a proposal

ab_calvin - 4-JUN-2010

People prefer own transport mainly because they can travel directly by the shortest route non-stop to the school/college/workspot and back.To use public transport, one has to walk in the hot sun to the nearest bus stop, wait for the correct bus, somehow manage to get in, get down and walk again.some people have to take more than one bus.Because of the crazy one way maze, one has to walk to a different bus stop for the return journey.

It is certainly possible to provide a facility almost like own transport.Presently, sharing transport is limited to it/bpo computer savvy sector.But there are lots of other people who are not computer savvy, who do not have the time to log on to a computer ,etc (the bottom of the pyramid, to quote management guru c k prahlad) who would gladly join to form a transport pool.There may be so many people in an apartment complex traveling daily to the same place and back at the same time.They would probably be surprised to see familiar faces in the group and think "why didn't WE think of this ?"

City Commute Survey

bangalore-guy - 1-APR-2010

We are trying to understand the preferences of people with respect to use of public/shared transportation for their daily commute in Bangalore.

Kindly spare 2-3 mins to fill the survey here :

Results will be shared with all.

thanks and regards,


 Tags : public transport, shared transport, city commute, bangalore