Posts : subway solutions

Pedestrian Subway - Change In Design

Naveen - 8-APR-2009

In the recent past, many pedestrian underpasses have been built at various locations. However, the utility of these for pedestrian crossings has been minimal & one hardly finds pedestrians using them, unless forced to with barricades (eg. Pedestrian subway at City Railway Station, & at KBS).

Corporation performs ‘magic’ on Nrupatunga Road

Richa.Dhodi - 28-FEB-2009

BY Richa Dhodi BANGALORE: The newly-built subways on Nrupatunga Road, laid by the city corporation, are proving to be useful to the citizens of Bangalore. The second of the three pedestrian subways to be constructed on Nrupathunga road opposite St. Martha's hospital was laid on Sunday. Work on the third is to begin shortly.