Posts : videos

Humour laden ideas for BTRAC's creative project

shas3n - 28-JUL-2008

Last week we discussed KRDCL's decision to involve a creative agency to improve driver behaviour. The enthusiasm of praja members was evident and several of us wondered if it is worth giving a shot at this!!

As cosmic coincidence would have it, we also got hooked to satiric videos from a Bangalore based groups of youngsters on youtube. Our friends from make wonderful, homemade, 100% organic videos that mock popular culture, Current affairs, News, Controversies, TV shows, Personalities and just about everything else.

In what consultants would call a 'synergistic opportunity', we put the one and one together and asked them if they will be game to jump in with us on this.

Driver Education DVD now available

asj - 7-JUL-2008

Dear all,

Some of you are aware that I have produced 17 driver education videos about a year ago. All videos are posted on Praja and can be seen online. The videos now have over 100,000 online views and are available on a DVD. Every week I get requests for the videos to be supplied as a DVD. Given that I am currently working abroad, it became very difficult to sustain sending out DVDs (over a hundred were sent out free).