Posts : law and order

Can we hope for safer roads

s_yajaman - 11-JUN-2008

Not sure if people saw this today ("send drunk drivers ...") in the TOI. Here is another link (newstodaynet).

"Finally, there is a serious effort to discipline our traffic. The Law Commission has prepared a report on traffic discipline that sets down stringent penalties and exacting norms to straighten out India's notoriously indisciplined roads.

Naan nimmana touch maadna? Tragic consequences.

s_yajaman - 5-MAY-2008

Challenge anyone driving fast in a residential area and chances are you will get this response - naan nimmana touch maadna (did I touch you?) as if that is the only measure of safe driving.

Here are the tragic consequences of this sort of attitude. One life snuffed out because of some idiot who thought that driving fast is his birthright and as long as he does not touch anyone (more precisely he has not hit anyone so far) he is driving perfectly safe. These people were not running across a road or crossing a highway. They were walking on a pavement in a residential area.

Regional groups clash?

silkboard - 19-AUG-2007

How do you like a news item like this (labourers clash at Bangalore):