Posts : Bangalore

Meeting with Mr V Madhu, IDD

silkboard - 25-FEB-2010

As we see via the BMLTA meeting records (, IDD (Mr V Madhu) seems to be batting for Commuter Rail. Let us plan the first meeting with him.

We need more guys to join the project though. Don't care at this time whether it is possible or not. Just join in and raise the pitch on this issue, ashtay.

Commuter / suburban rail - part II

n - 25-FEB-2010

Branching off from "Commuter-rail-will-it-ever-materialize" thread as it got too long. The IDD seems to be moving in the direction of surveying for CRS (item 3, pp. 2).

Pedestrianization success story

rs - 25-FEB-2010

Interesting story about Amman's Master Plan...

They seem to have implemented a pedestrianization project which has transformed the city. If only Bangalore's powers that be had such vision...

A case study from koramangala on land grabbing

vmenon - 24-FEB-2010

Dear all,

A posting on a legal win in a land case in Koramangala.It might serve as a boost for others in similar fights and also some indications of methodology, though of course that would change from a case to case basis.
Essentials of the case

Private buses using BMTC stops for waiting

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 24-FEB-2010

 While I appreciate government's(NHAI)  efforts to complete the hosur road bus stops, I observed they are not used by BMTC to full extent. I have earlier posted a blog regarding possible root causes.

Carlton Fire - What can we learn?

Ravi_D - 24-FEB-2010

Earthquake in Haiti showed us results of bad construction practices. A 5.1 Richter scale quake is a distinct possibility in Bangalore per this study.

Deregulated State Railway Authority

idontspam - 23-FEB-2010

KRC is the model to go if we need to resolve the local problems. If Delhi continue plan and execute we will definitely continue to have hundreds of  KR Puram/Whitefield like engineering disasters called flyovers.

BBMP admits to incorrectly sanctioning a plan

vaishvittal - 23-FEB-2010

The town planning department of the BBMP has wrongly greenlighted a convention centre near Bannerghatta Road. Residents angered over this and other plan violations in the area.

Read this Citizen Matters expose


Address by Mr. PB Ramamurthy Chairman BWSSB at FKCCI

psaram42 - 23-FEB-2010

 This meeting was held at the cabinet hall of FKCCI Kempegowda Road Bangalore on 22 Feb 2010. The cabinet hall was full. 

Protest cum work review at the bridge work-site?

silkboard - 23-FEB-2010

Okay, so we have had 3-4 comments expressing interest to participate in a protest sort of event near the work site. If 15-20 people can commit to attendance, let us fix a date and do it.