Posts : Analysis

The blaming game

psaram42 - 2-JAN-2011

Yesterday News X TV channel carried the story with footage of big size CFC cables found in the man holes sewage lines. The anchor was trying to color it as a multi crore scam of the same order as the 2G spectrum scam. I was curious to find whether the story would appear in TOI too. However to my surprise I found it in Deccan Herald.

Pushpaks getting converted

ss87 - 29-DEC-2010

Well one of the most horrible service provided by BMTC is the pushpak service-a single driver-cum conductor, single door, single passage with 5 seats in a row instead of 4 and is one of the least preferred bus for commuting in the city unless there is no other way to go.

Industrial Hub next on Tumkur Rail Line : Nidvanda

Sanjeev - 24-DEC-2010

Mr Lalit Jain's request letter in Karnataka State Industrial Times at Page No 16 of  Nov 2010 edition for Local Trains :

Meenakshi Mall

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 12-DEC-2010

Have posted this suggestion to BTP via their website



A public transport solution to widening roads

balu036 - 10-DEC-2010

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Widening Palace Road at the cost of trees is not a solution

balu036 - 10-DEC-2010

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Advertisement Revenue for SWR at Bangalore Station

Sanjeev - 8-DEC-2010

Reserve Price per annum in Rs.

Widening roads around Palace grounds - alternatives

Naveen - 7-DEC-2010

Referring to the DPRs for widening of roads around Palace grounds & Vinay's previous post:

Underground Parking - whats the big deal?

srinidhi - 6-DEC-2010

 It has been in news since some time that BBMP is planning underground parking lots under playgrounds and other public amenities like parks etc..

more on this in this link..

KSRTC outsourcing O&M of Mysore & Shimoga bus terminals

murali772 - 2-DEC-2010

Check this report in today's ToI. And, the tendering is being handled by Earnst & Young.