Survey on BMTC & Public transport thampan - 11-DEC-2008We are doing a survey on public transport usage among the working population of bangalore foucssing on BMTC as part of a project study to increase the market share of BMTC ( in the transportation pie). Would be greatly helpful if Praja members could take part in the survey. Please click on the below link to take part in the survey. |
Transmogrifier - 11-DEC-2008
There's a million reasons why this might not work in Bangalore, and there's one reason why it might... hope! |
s_yajaman - 11-DEC-2008
s_yajaman - 11-DEC-2008
So what we had suspected all along is true. Namma Metro is delayed by one year. Reach One itself is badly delayed. |
India Road Transport Service Efficiency Study murali772 - 10-DEC-2008
Though rather dated (November 1, 2005), the study by the World Bank recommending privatisation of Inter-City Bus Services, is gaining greater currency by the day. As such, even if the jury is out on whether privatisation can work in cities, the argument in support of the same, as far as Inter-City Bus Services is concerned, is too persuasive to be ignored any longer. |
Policies Affecting Competition in Passenger Road Transportation Sector murali772 - 10-DEC-2008
The NCAER study of state policies affecting competition in Passenger Road Transportation Sector, commissioned by the Competition Commission of India in March 14,2007, recommends major role for private players. |
Use of Public Transport picks up in the US murali772 - 10-DEC-2008
Americans rode subways, buses and commuter railroads in record numbers in the third quarter of this year, even as gas prices dropped and unemployment rose. |
Vasanth - 9-DEC-2008
BTRAC is putting signals in almost every intersections and replacing manual signals with lights. One thing I observed in most of the replacement was that there is more congestion and waiting now. Traffic cops were manually observing the density of vehicles and releasing it accordingly. Waiting times used to be less. |
Vote for Delhi, Vote for BRTS? kbsyed61 - 9-DEC-2008
Even the poll pundits have been surprised with the election results of DELHI. |
Ravi_D - 9-DEC-2008
Recent terrorist activities have highlighted our vulnerability, drawing a lot of well deserved attention. But we should not forget that at the same time, other neglected issues continue to cause havoc in everyday life. |