Posts : Transportation

Top traffic offenders - inititiative from Hyderabad police

thampan - 13-DEC-2010 

 Google spreadsheet of top traffic offenders - maybe bangalore could copy :-)

and info about fines not being paid

City inches closer to special bus corridors

idontspam - 13-DEC-2010

“Shortly, we will be implementing the BRTS in the city,” said Pasha.

Meenakshi Mall

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 12-DEC-2010

Have posted this suggestion to BTP via their website



Suggestions for Metro Feeder Bus routes

Naveen - 11-DEC-2010

BMTC had earlier requested suggestions for feeder bus routes for Metro (Reach-1). The suggestions were mapped on google & passed on to them for review. See map below, zoom in for better view or click link and view in google maps


A public transport solution to widening roads

balu036 - 10-DEC-2010

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Commercial street pedestrian only!

manjari - 10-DEC-2010

Jenny, Neha and I got chance to meet up with Commercial Street association head, Ajay Motwani on 7th Dec. The meeting was to discuss about an event which we are planning to have on 7th Jan, where the entire commercial street is made pedestrian only.

Disclipline Driving Guidelines for Bangalore Conditions

Bheema.Upadhyaya - 9-DEC-2010

  Suddenly I have felt that I was focusing on myself, my vehicle type , and my road (Hosur Road mainly) while I was narrating my experiences of lane driving. I felt I have poor vision about other driver/driving  conditions, vehicle size etc.

DGCA for Airlines!! Who will come for BMTC?

ss87 - 8-DEC-2010

The latest news going on for past 2-3 days is the intervention of DGCA and slashing of the fares of the Airlines across the country - They have fixed the minimum and maximum fares that can be kept for the airlines for the distance

Advertisement Revenue for SWR at Bangalore Station

Sanjeev - 8-DEC-2010

Reserve Price per annum in Rs.

Response from KSRTC

admin123 - 8-DEC-2010

[This is a response Praja has received from CMM of KSRTC. We are publishing it as received. - admin]