Connecting the Bicycle dots - 'Build it and they will come' Bengloorappa - 2-SEP-2008
Found an interesting article in Washington Post foreign service section about how some countries have adapted to Bicycles and how some others are on the path. It also holds out that research suggests that India and China cannot afford to not adopt the model. Some Interesting excerpts, |
kbsyed61 - 1-SEP-2008
BIAL has completed its 100 days of operation. It must have gone thru unique experience of trying to cater to different quarters with different expectations. Here is the official media release from BIAL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COURTSEY - BIAL Weblink - |
KSRTC and BMTC price hike - why? Vasanth - 1-SEP-2008
The recent hike in KSRTC and BMTC fares has made everyone think twice before using buses.
s_yajaman - 1-SEP-2008
Karnataka made it to the Hall of Shame. Please see this report in today's DH. "This has been confirmed in a 2007-08 survey, conducted by Transparency International India and the Centre for Media Studies, New Delhi. the state which was ranked 17th in a 2005 Transparency International India (TII) survey, has now climbed to the top slot of “very highly corrupt states.” |
swamy - 1-SEP-2008
Mr Chavan lost his son to bad road hump design. He used RTI to get information. Now he is planning to do PIL "seeking a High Court directive to the authorities to either remove the unscientific humps or relay them as per Indian Road Congress standards". Read the inspiring story on Bangalore Mirror's new website. - Parent’s war on ‘killer’ road humps |
Ganesha Festival & Our Environment Ravi_D - 1-SEP-2008
You may not have seen some of these pictures... but this is what happens after the festival is over. This entry (see last paragraph) seems to even imply a ban by Mumbai police. |
Storm Water Drains and BBMP budget Ravi_D - 1-SEP-2008
Vehicles, animals and now people floating in rain water pools - Sound familiar? Deja vu. Examples: Today's Deccan, Friday's Deccan For once, let us forget what happens with the money spent. But what if the allocation was never spent? Attached PDF is an extract from BBMP's budget document. |
Edge stations, ring rail, and leasing or acquiring SWR assets silkboard - 1-SEP-2008
Tatasky - Eng, Hindi, Tamil, ashtay! swamy - 31-AUG-2008
Watch tatasky? Sit and watch cartoons with your children. Press green button on the remote. You can now select the audio in your favirote language. This option is not available most of the time. But whenever it is available, Engilsh, Hindi and Tamil, ashtay! No kannada, yaake? Tatasky doesn't want to do good business in Karnataka? Tatasky thinks only Tamil speaking population are demanding, baaki janaa not? Tatasky has competetion from Sun, which is based in Tamilnadu, so care more for Tamil than Kannada, or Malayalam? |
Ejipura Main Road tormented and ready to fall honey - 31-AUG-2008
Its been 3 years since I have been living in Ejipura. The transition I have seen so far of the main road starting from Ejipra Signal ending at Vivek nagar PS, is Terrible... earlier when I used to travel conditions were bad but not worst. As of now, the condition is as follows: |