Lessons to learn from LA Olympics traffic experience kbsyed61 - 20-JUL-2008
Below given is a news item that appeared in DH. After reading this, it occurred to me that there could be lessons from this story and could help us formulate some mitigating scenarios for easing B'lore traffic. The story goes like this.................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtsey - Deccan Herald |
Creative agency to improve driver behaviour silkboard - 20-JUL-2008
Spotted this interesting thing today. KRDCL is looking to hire a Creative Agency as consultant for spreading road safety awareness and improving road user behaviour in Bangalore. How much money is budgeted for this is not clear. Since KRDCL is putting this out, and not Traffic Police or BBMP, I am guessing this is part of the BTRAC-2010 (KRDCL is the nodal agency for it). Here is the goal as listed in the document (click here to read) from KRDCL:
"Ride Bicycle Save Life Cycle" silkboard - 19-JUL-2008
"Ride Bicycle Save Life Cycle" initiative. From Lal Baugh to Cubbon Park. On 27th July 2008. Assemble by 6:30 am |
Traffic & Transportation Policies and Strategies silkboard - 18-JUL-2008
Executive Summary of a Wilbur Smith study on Traffic & Transportation Policies and Strategies in Urban Areas in India is now available on the website of Ministry of Urban Development. The 20 page summary document makes a good reading. Praja members would love the language, especially the terms like "slow moving vehicle index", "on-street parking interference index". Essentially, they have quantified stuff like "entropy", "edge friction", "turbulence" and "viscosity" that we often borrow and use here at Praja from thermo and fluid dynamics. Some equations for example: |
Bike rentals, a fashion in Paris GVK - 16-JUL-2008In my schooldays in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, bicycles were the prime mode of transport for the middle-class. The affluent among my class-mates came to school in own bikes. My parents didn’t get me one till I joined college in New Delhi. By which time (this, in late 50s) bicycling went out of fashion. With aggressive marketing of Luna, scooty, and other two-wheelers bicycles became a poor man’s vehicle. We, who considered ourselves better-off on the social scale, preferred the rush, long wait and uncertainty of public transport to a bicycle for travelling to work. |
BBMP doing bus bays for BMTC - slow progress? silkboard - 15-JUL-2008
Late last year (Nov 2007), we were told read about BMTC requesting BBMP for 140 bus bays. Refer this Nov 07 Hindu article:
Monthly “No Car Day” of Kunming, China sanchitnis - 8-JUL-2008
Last saturday of every month is a no car day in Kunming China. See an interesting viseo on this: Sanjay |
Driver Education DVD now available asj - 7-JUL-2008
Dear all, Some of you are aware that I have produced 17 driver education videos about a year ago. All videos are posted on Praja and can be seen online. The videos now have over 100,000 online views and are available on a DVD. Every week I get requests for the videos to be supplied as a DVD. Given that I am currently working abroad, it became very difficult to sustain sending out DVDs (over a hundred were sent out free). |
Upcoming flyover on ORR at BTM - short sighted? silkboard - 7-JUL-2008
Its flyover time again. BBMP has invited bids for "Consultancy Services For Preparation Of DPR For The Construction Of Grade Separator At The Junction Of Ring Road And 16th Main BTM Layout". (Also see:RFP for this flyover). So once this is done, those heading towards Electronics City, instead of waiting at 16th main signal, they will all wait longer at the silk board signal. And in the evenings, the signal under Jaideva circle flyover will see twice or thrice the amount of waiting traffic it currently does. |
Traffic Chaos and Reforms: Analysis and way forward asj - 6-JUL-2008
Sharing with Praja members, two compilations.