Posts : Bangalore

Public transport (BMTC) - what is needed to improve it? Your thoughts

s_yajaman - 22-APR-2008

One of the things that Bangalore lacks is a good integrated public transport system as of today. Namma Metro promises to improve things but is a few years away. Till then we depend on BMTC for public transport.

BMTC has changed a lot over the last 5-6 years. It (at least according to the website) operates a fleet of 5000 buses and carries about 30 lakh passengers a day (if one person makes 3 trips a day - it is 3 passengers). however, it still has a long way to go.

Upcoming elections

tsubba - 21-APR-2008

* I am registered and all set to vote\n* I am trying to get registered but cannot get registered\n* I want to register but dont know how to get registered\n* I would rather vote for budding musicians on tv\n* macha, they are having elections-a? \n

Business placards and hoardings neglecting/insulting Kannada

nijavaada - 21-APR-2008

There are several instances in Bengaluru nowadays wherein placards and huge hoardings put up by business establishments to advertise their product or shop are insulting the local language - Kannada - by printing Kannada characters on a miniscule scale, whereas English (sometimes even Hindi) characters rule the canvas and are larger than life itself.


Elections, Voter ID FAQ

admin123 - 21-APR-2008

Instead of duplicating similar material here, just wanted to point over to some resources over Internet (and phone):

New e-procurement portal - transparency!?

silkboard - 21-APR-2008

I didn't know about this new e-procurement portal launched last year by the state government. Have a look here (site isn't setup right, watch the warnings). What should interest us most is "transparency". There is a section intended for "citizens", cool! But the citizen's page doesn't have much right now. A list of tenders is available, which shows up only two items. There is a news and information link too, but that leads to a third party commercial website.

UP: a transport regulatory body to end monopoly of USPRTC

silkboard - 21-APR-2008

I am sure Mr Murali Rao would have read this with great interest. UP goverment is going to setup a Transport Regulatory body, thus ending the monopoly of US state road transport corporation over 460 routes that were recently de-nationalized.

Roads in Bangalore

sxthiru - 20-APR-2008

1.5 ft Drain Open connecting Road side to the bigger gutters.

1. Problem 1, BBMP have built this many of the area, but they fail to monitor the purpose is served. eg, many of this opening are clogged with wastes/sand. hence is it is un operational.

Replace Indica with Nano for Call Centre and Office Drop off Vehicles

Vasanth - 20-APR-2008

Call Centre and IT companies pickup and drop off vehicle's menance are increasing day by day. Most of the companies use Inidicab for pickup and drop off of their staff. Inicab which is India is a very powerful vehicle, although safe for insiders,if not handled safely will lead to fatal accidents of 2 wheelers and pedestrains. 

BIAL Discussions - II

tsubba - 19-APR-2008

New thread for BIAL discussions.
please use for further discussions on BIAL.

Some ideas on education in Karnataka

tsubba - 18-APR-2008

At the outset this, has nothing to do with the civic life of bangalore as such, but as much as bangalore is tied to the rest of the state at the hip, and as much as the output of our schools is cru