Wish, citizens can give proof of illegal posters in court
Logged a complaint on ichangemycity
Domlur Corporator Geetha Srinivas Reddy ugly-fying city
Mention of pedestrian problems in DNA today
Now, city is ugli-fied by id celebration posters by policians
IDS, will plot on map and post.
Pictures from the old comment copying here
Raised 3 complaints on ichangemycity
Citi being ugli-fied by some posters in kmangala, Ejipura,ST Bed
Hi, You haven't covered the
Not able to post anything on other MLAs page
Its there, I could see that and LIKED and commented as well
Will be requesting all MPs and MLAs on FB one by one
Ashwin Mahesh saying the same thing on FB
Target one by one - BJP MLA Nandisha Reddy FB page, pls comment