blrsri - 14-SEP-2008
We have seen many projects which are very ill conceived and never catering to the actual needs. These more to satisfy interests of few people! |
Urban transportation - addressable market size: how big? silkboard - 12-SEP-2008
I had asked this question at the TransInnova/ BMLTA summit yesterday, and didn't get a good answer, most likely because nobody had a number handy. Local urban transportation is a "problem", and problem equals "opportunity". Why is it that private players are not taking enough interest in lobbying to get access to this market? Policy hurdles would be one reason, but I am curious if the size of the market is being underestimated here. Lets do some numbers, simple and basic. |
Practical governance - need of the hour! nijavaada - 12-SEP-2008
We've all been evidence to this. All of us might have stumbled upon this at some point of time. India is a union of linguistically formed states, and hence governance in India is a matter of managing people of different languages/identities. Even though these remain written truths, there're subtle ways in which our identities have been forcibly compromised with, and attempts to mask various identities under one off identity have been made almost everywhere in the past 61 years of India's existence. |
silkboard - 11-SEP-2008Read a very sensible letter to editor in DH yesterday (forget the name, sorry). It said something I so agree with. Whats this "100 days of government" business? I was disappointed to see Yeddy even trying to list 100-day achievements via newspaper ads. And then media asking for opinions on 100-days. Can a meaningful as well as visible change be caused by a state government in just over three months? Aren't we impatient if we expect that? Doesn't this impatience put pressure on elected folks to do the same short-sighted things that we later |
Ravi_D - 11-SEP-2008
Read this article from CitizenMatters. Interesting. Notice the spec data for road works? Wonder what percent of roads in B'lore adhere to the spec! |
Ravi_D - 11-SEP-2008
Have you seen this one? Apart from Volvo goody, here is something interesting and concerning.
TransInnova/BMLTA Transportation Summit - Notes admin123 - 10-SEP-2008
[Update Sep 17: find all material presented at the summit on BMLTA website - click here] Placeholder post for notes from those who attended the summit, and to upload/post material presentations etc obtained from the summit. |
Who can legislate to increase fines? mcadambi - 10-SEP-2008It is a well known fact as even Mr Praveen Sood iterates that the local police, i.e Bangalore City Police do not have powers to fine traffic offences. It is still dictated by the Central Motor Vehicles Act. Even the Chief Minister of Karnataka does not have such legislative powers. Only the Union Minister and the Minister of State, Shri T R Baalu and Shri K H Muniyappa have powers to table an amendment in the Central Motor Vehicles Act. I doubt they can do it within this session of parliament, but IMO, we need to create a momentum in order to have the CMV amended. |
tech - 10-SEP-2008
We are planning a change in the site structure that would take effect on the night of 10th september.
tsubba - 10-SEP-2008
Ok, before we make suggestions, we need to be very explicit about what we understand about the road. Since, sri is the local malla complete with a high flung jeTTi and spread out rhetorical stance and all*, we start with what he said about this road. We keep in mind that beyond his generic description, which nevertheless gives us a feel for the road, we need explicit and detailed details. Srivatsa said: